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Posts posted by matt_baker

  1. What would be the best way to go about PEC Training a CGE with a C14 mounted onto it?

    I remember trying to guide with a 50mm guidescope (not ideal I know) and the DEC guiding was awful but RA was okay after calibration.

    Is this something PEC can fix or is there something else at bay here that needs fixing with the DEC?

  2. Didn't go to plan so well but at least I got all the panels lined up properly. I'm not sure what happened to the panel in the middle where there's obvious blurring, probably a hint of bad seeing? I'm also getting weird diagonal lines where ever I went possible from the sensor but I'm not sure why that's happening, could anyone help?

    I did take a solar flats but for some reason it didn't decide to work? I de focused on a patch where it was illuminated throughout the whole sensor and exposed for 50% of the histogram and applied it in AS!3

    Lunt LS60THa
    Skywatcher AZ mount


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  3. Basically because you're so undersampled with the camera, it causes the pixels to become very blocky. Drizzling sorts this and smooths the final product. 

    If you don't want to drizzle everytime I would use a 2-3x barlow lens to correct the sampling, since the camera uses large pixels

    What does the after product look like also?

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  4. 7 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

    The image on the right is soooooo much better!! The drizzle will have helped as you are undersampled but I didnt think it would help that much! Did you sharpen the two images identically? 

    Exactly what I was thinking! Yes, they're both the same (I think) or at least very very similarly edited. The one on the left may have had a tad more sharpening but nothing major.

    Yes, it was undersampled but I never thought drizzling would make that much of a difference so I didn't bother with the extra time. Overall, a massive result!

  5. 2 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

    Very nice,  both are excellent and you absolutely do need to click through to see the high res version..  My preference is for version 1.  How long did the capture take and how do you execute it?



    Overall it took me about an hour and a half to capture all of it. I used a rough 30% overlap with each pane to account for any error in tracking and for ICE. I achieved this using imerge and overlapping each frame to eventually create an entire mosaic. 

    The school that I attend also has an in house observatory that houses the C14 and CGE and, although it's getting old, it does the job well and I can create images like this. I'm able to use the observatory whenever I want as I have a key and live a 5 minute walk away, so when it's clear, I can just hop over with my dad. It is a shame however, since I'm the only one who actively uses it because no one else either doesn't know how to operate it properly or they live too far away and the weather in England is always unpredictable

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  6. Imaging telescope: Celestron C14

    Imaging camera: QHYCCD 5L ll M

    Mount: Celestron CGE

    Software: Autostakkert! 3,  PixInsight 1.8

    53 Panels taken at 1280x960 30FPS. Stacked in AS!3, Deconvoluted and sharpened in PI, stitched together in ICE, then got rid of artefacts in PS

    48MP 50% Lunar Mosaic (53 Panels)




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