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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. I used DSS as I struggle to get decent results with as!2 which is much quicker. I capture fit files though this was mistakenly caught in ser format which DSS wont use so I had to convert to fit format in pipp and also debayer as for some reason the unbayered pipp files did not debayer properly in DSS. If the fit files go into DSS undebayered the stacking process only takes a few mins. I'd like to try m27 & m57 with my DOB using 1 sec exposures though DSO imaging with the big fella is a bit like riding a camel! The GOTO being more like "Go near".
  2. Thanks Freddie that's a good way of describing my DSO imaging techniques, like riding a cow rather than a horse lol Cheers Chris yes I used colour noise reduction in image analyser.
  3. First DSO image for some time with the ST102 & ASI224MC ALT/AZ Combo. 25mins consisting of 1 sec exposures. No flats or darks.
  4. Found this thread today as I'm considering making a mobile pier. Can't believe this brilliant design only got one comment!
  5. Very interesting to see so many diverse images! This is my M31 image taken with a ST102, Skywatcher Alt/AZ GOTO mount and unmodified 1000D. Over 400 25 sec subs making up 2 hours 29 mins of data with 20 darks and 30 flats. Stacked in DSS and processed in CS2.
  6. Thanks Chris! Will be interesting to try some smaller targets with my qhy5l cam if I can tune the GOTO as its not very accurate.
  7. Cheers! 15 secs seems to be the limit for the Dobs tracking. I did try a couple of 20 sec sub's but the stars were looking ropey. A properly clear sky would produce decent results though the focal length does reduce the fov for a large target like Andromeda.
  8. Thanks! Should mention I used a unmodified 1000D.
  9. Having another crack at M31 with the Dob. Collected 20 mins of exposure in 15 sec subs last night though the sky was very hazy. Stacked in DSS with 5 darks. Curves and levels in CS2 and other tweaks in image analyser :
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