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Everything posted by robmichael81

  1. Can anyone help to point me in the direction of an idiots guide to guiding. I havent used my set up for over 5 years now and just getting back into it. Ihave a zwo guide camera, an ST-4 cable, PHD2. Just need some advice on ST-4 or ASCOM/EQMOD and how to set things up. TiA Rob
  2. Any ideas why I get lots of noise in a certain area of my image of M51? Bottom right hand side of M51 in this image.
  3. Fantastic image Viv, I have been itching to use my 130PDS and got to use it in anger for the first time a few nights ago. Not as good as your image but I thought I would post mine up and hope to get some advice on how to improve. This thread is great for us newbies to get an idea on how to take such great images. SW 130PDS HEQ5 Pro Canon 40D (Light pollution filter) DSS Gimp 30 x 30" @ ISO 800 30 x 25" @ ISO 800 30 x 25" @ ISO 1600 10 x Darks 10 x Bias
  4. As far as I'am aware they hardly ever need collimating, which is obviously one of the big advantages of refractors. There are guides on how to collimate them if needed but I'am sure people on here with far more knowledge than me can advise you. Can highly recommend the book 'Making every photon count', has everything you need to know and more. R
  5. I agree, either the 130 PDS or 80ED is the way to go. I recently bought the 130 PDS and put it on a second hand HEQ5 Pro. I was worried about collimation but once I'd had a read online and got all the necessary bits it became fairly straight forward and I do it now as part of my routine (or when i'am bored of the clouds and want to do something with the scope). Astrobaby's guide to collimation was a god send; http://www.astro-baby.com/collimation/astro%20babys%20collimation%20guide.htm
  6. robmichael81


  7. Just taken first image with my new 130pds. Love this scope. Thanks to everyone for all the help and advice on this forum. R moon mosaic 1.bmp
  8. Here is my first DSO. M42 using just my canon 40d, a M42 lens at 135mm f2.8. Untracked on a cheap camera tripod in a light polluted back garden in Liverpool. Exposure time 2 seconds, iso 1600. I took 120 light frames, 30 darks and 30 bias. Processed and edited in DSS as don't have an fancy photo editing software.
  9. robmichael81

    My first pics

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