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Everything posted by assouptro

  1. It’s a good plan! i have to find another ed100 doublet or possibly triplet with a flat field or another tsflat2 but at least I have a dual saddle already!! 😊
  2. Well, I wish I could tell you blow for blow but in truth I probably couldn’t repeat what I did, as I tend to play with settings without keeping notes, although I know I should! And sometimes I can end up with a nice result. There is a lot of trial and error over a few days. Coming back to it when I have the time. What I think I did was add the rgb as a layer changing the layer type whilst looking at the results in real time then played with the opacity and again cycled through the layer types until I saw something I liked, I think it was darker Colour 10 or 20% then added it again as soft light. Thanks when I had something I liked I copied it, took it back to Pixinsight for some deconvolution then re-added it as another layer playing again with opacity. when I saw something I liked (again) I reduced the stars using Annie’s actions. I’m really sorry I can’t give you a simple answer, and I must try and keep more notes !! cheers Bryan
  3. Thanks for the comment tomato Hang on to that camera! I might even get another whilst they are selling for so little and try to setup a dual rigg so I can cut down on my acquisition time! 😊 Bryan
  4. I totally agree. I did rush this and sometimes I can be a bit impatient and too keen to share an image Thanks for taking the time to comment and advise cheers Bryan
  5. Thanks Damian! I think you have hit the nail squarely on its head! Well for me at this moment in time. I think I will “slowly” continue gathering data when the clouds allow and enjoy processing the small amounts of data as quickly as my processing power can 😊 Thank you for commenting on the image with such encouraging words and thank you for parting with your hard earned knowledge, that is truly appreciated. cheers Bryan
  6. Thanks Steve I appreciate your kind words 😊 Bryan
  7. Thanks for the comment! I agree the first version is a bit too much. I posted before I had finished really! (when are we ever finished?) A bit too eager!! And the 383 is becoming one of my favourite cameras, even though the 460 is definitely cleaner on shorter subs Thanks again Bryan
  8. Combined the data of the SHO and RGB verions Cheers # Bryan
  9. Hello again! Whilst capturing the SHO version of this I also captured an hour each of RGB so I have mixed them with the 4.6 hours ha as a lum, tweaked it in photoshop to produce this version Hope you like it? Cheers Bryan
  10. Hi Stargazers After deciding to buy an old Atik383 I made the mistake of spending too much time on youtube and astroforums which made me question my sanity buying old noisy tech but I have really enjoyed the camera so far and I was spoiled with a couple of nights clear skies allowing me to capture enough data to put another image together Although I would have liked a slightly wider field of view the 383 gives me more sky than any of my other cooled cameras. 4.6 hr Ha astrodon 5nm 4 hr Oiii astrodon 3mn 4.3 hr Sii astrodon 5nm all 20 min subs scope: Revelation Astro ed100 mount: skywatcher azeq6 guider: sx loadstar v1 with celestron off axis guider I dont think I'm finished with this yet but here is my latest version Thanks for looking Bryan rev heart SHO-latest mix-pix rotated-copy.tif
  11. Hi Starpeople I was rooting in an cupboard and came across a sky at night magazine from Oct 2009 It had the winner of the astrophotographer of the year inside I was just starting astrophotography back then and I looked upon images like this as unobtainable, and there weren’t many of us either I am amazed how the hobby has changed, the technology, the techniques, the software etc and the interest! anyway, here is a quick photo of the article Cheers Bryan
  12. I’ve been looking at these have you got one? are there any issues with drivers or software? cheers
  13. Are there any of that size that don’t suffer from amp glow? I rarely use flats, even with my new (to me) Atik383l as bias and dark flats seem to do the job just as well
  14. Is that a clean cmos? does it suffer from amp glow?
  15. I wouldn’t be after a full frame chip just something that will allow me to continue with my 1.25” filters I’d need a mortgage to change them! And I’ll probably wait a year or 2 until they become more affordable on the second hand market as newer shinier toys attract those that can and will buy them! I should maybe complete 4 images with my slower older kit by then😂 cheers
  16. Thanks To surmise mono is still king! I just need a new cmos mono camera when I can afford one so I can take advantage of the faster integrations Bryan
  17. I wouldn’t know I don’t have a new OSC camera so I’m not sure what I would be capable of?
  18. I am always trying to create a better version of the last attempt of an object and I’m super critical of my own work so I guess the answer is yes!
  19. I didn’t intend starting a new cmos v used ccd thread although I can understand how we got there with quality used ccd’s now being considerably cheaper than the higher end new generation cmos cameras atm I’m just wondering if it’s still worth the effort to commit several nights to an object when I see so many fine examples of OSC with dual band filter versions?
  20. Thanks for the input I can see the attraction when skies are so rarely clear, and I wonder what the new generation of 3nm dual band filters will produce?
  21. Hi Stargazers I am sure this has been asked before, but I may have missed it? Since CMOS cameras have become more sensitive and cleaner there has been a sea change to one shot colour cameras with dual band or quad band filters to create some impressive results. Apart from scientific applications Is there still a benefit to plodding along with a mono camera and individual broadband/narrowband filters when attempting to produce a pretty picture? Cheers Bryan
  22. I’m afraid so. especially Oiii my first image with the new Oiii filter previously I would have had a halo to deal with on this unfortunately I can’t remember if the Ha and Sii are astrodon or Altair, sorry I have since bought a 3nm Oiii to assist capturing that bandwidth under moonlight but not had the opportunity to really test it However, now I’m dealing with the CCD/CMOS issue and considering a complete shakeup of my imaging rigg! It never ends!! 🙄 Cheers Bryan
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