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Posts posted by Helen

  1. Hi I have been on this site for A short time, it has provided a great source of information about this hobby I wish to take up, the only things I would like to add or change are:

    I would like to add a thumbs up/down voting system on each post because lts if people have an opinion on threads like in my example which type of scope should I go for? Its just that you would be able to distinguish a popular post from maybe a not so popular post and feel safe in the knowledge of numbers voting that particular post.

    Also I would like an easier system to see the threads that I have posted on, maybe a messaging system that says new posts have been added to so and so thread so that I can keep track on conversations that I have joined and left for a while.

    Over all great website and forum and will be using it a lot.

    Glad you like it here :)

    On the notification of threads you've posted in, if you click on control panel it will by default give you a list of new posts in those threads. If you want to get email notification of posts in those, or any other thread that you 'subscribe' to then go to the 'Settings and Options' bit in the left hand menu and choose 'Edit options'. Half way down there's a heading Default Thread Subscription Mode and a tick box for getting email notifications.



  2. So far, clear skies, glad I found this place.


    One thing I noticed is that one's own posts do not show up when clicking "New Posts".

    No big deal, just curious, is this a setting in my User Control Panel or is this a global setting across all of the forums?

    Welcome to SGL! glad you like it here :)

    The 'New Posts' will show all unread new posts - I think the software assumes you've already read your own posts :) If you click on 'Control Panel' you'll get to see where new posts have been made in threads you've posted in/created.



  3. The turning on and off didn't work. I then did a couple of things, while awaiting assistance - unistalled and reinstalled both EQMod and ASCOM (seemed a good thing to do). I then deleted the ini file. My feeling is that it was ini bit that made the difference, but because of the other actions I can't be sure Chris.


  4. Can anyone help please? I'm trying to connect my scope via EQMOD to Maxim and/or CdC and I'm getting a runtime error :) Its worked fine up until now. I've reinstalled EQMOD but no joy. Any suggestions please? I'd hate to waste some precious clear skies!!


    PS I suppose I could resort to the old fashioned method of using the handset :)

  5. I've been thinking about this as well, and while trying not to give anything away to would-be criminals, there are a few weak points in an imaging system that are easy to get and small enough to be away with in seconds if you know what you are doing. Securing these without making life more difficult for yourself is quite difficult

    Obviously there are a few bits that are almost impossible to move even if you wanted too, I remember someone on here saying that someone tried to make off with an EQ6 and didn't get very far :D

    My logic runs pretty similarly Euan. The main aim is for the Obs to be convenient for its purpose, and I'll take the risk of that meaning its easier for someone to nick stuff if they really want to. But generally, it isn't visible from the road, the access is alongside the house and we sleep that side of the house and have a noisy side gate!! So smallish risk while we're here. Our neighbours are good. So the biggest risk is when we're away, and we do tend to remove the carry-able stuff when we go away (quite often to use while away :p).

    My house insurance includes cover for stuff in the shed.

    Its all a question of balance.


    • Like 1
  6. My starting point has been 'don't make it look as if its got lots of expensive equipment in it'. So it looks like a shed. It hasn't got alarms on the outside or mega locks, just normal ones.

    I do need to increase the internal security a bit more though, and that'll be designed into my new build. So I'll be picking up tips from this thread :D


    • Like 2
  7. Here are some options for suppliers:

    Pipe for piers: Drainage Pipe Systems & Supplies - Plastics Express

    Recommendation from NigeB:

    I can thoroughly recommend Ross Handling in Leicester for a wide variety of fittings like wheels and ball transfer units (for roll off roofs, dome tracks), hand wheels etc. I've used them for the last two builds I've undertaken. Their URL is:



    If you've got recommendations for inclusion please PM me and I'll add in.


  8. This reference thread provides links to finished observatory builds. A great place to start if you're thinking of building one yourself!

    (This thread is locked to keep it tidy - discussions can take place in the linked threads though).




    • Like 1
  9. Hi,

    I only joined this evening and was given for Christmas a Celestron Astromaster 76, which so far I've not been able to use or see anything ?? Can anyone help with some pointers?

    Welcome to SGL Milky Way! I've set up a new thread for this question as you're more likely to get advice if its in a separate thread http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/134709-celestron-astromaster-76-pointers-please.html


  10. Firstly, it's great to finally find a decent source of information and access to experts on the web, particulalry aimed for U.K astronomers. I am a complete newbie to astronomy, barring a few cold nights with my brothers old Tasco (yikes!) Refractor in the early 1990's, and yes despite using this PoS I ams still interested in Astronomy! After seeing Jupiter and Saturn all those years ago I'm still hooked and keen to kick-start off my insterest again.

    My main gripe is that I am obviously looking to purchase a good quality telescope, but at minimal cost. Why do I have to have submmitted 50-posts before I can access the Classified sections of this site? This seems to be somewhat of a handicapped to us newcomers. Is this sto stop newbies from buying good 2nd-hand kit or beating you amatuers/pros to the good stuff...? :)

    Is there any fast track way of getting 50-posts without annoying the hell out of people by asking seriously pointless questions just to get my 50-posts logged on the system?



    Welcome to SGL Gary, I'm glad you're finding it a useful resource. We thought long and hard about the restrictions on the classified sections. We've had problems with traders snapping up bargains before members had a chance, and people just using the forum for buying and selling and not being prepared to be part of our community. Therefore all we ask is that you become an active member, and wait for a month, before getting access.


  11. Hi Twinkles welcome to SGL.. more people are likely to see your question if you post it help and advice section... Thsi part of the forum is where peopel express there views on the forum and tenbds not to get read that often by most members...

    Give an idea of the budget and I am sure you will get plenty of advice :)

    Perhaps one of the mods would move or copy the post for you


    I've copied your question to here twinkles :) and if you add a few more details about what sort of thing you want, you'll get lots of good advice :)



  12. Have to agree with the above sentiments.

    Just one thing I see from various members signatures that some belong to user and/or area groups. Where can I find details of these.


    We're glad you're enjoying the site :icon_eek:

    For area groups etc, if you click on the Community section on the top blue bar you'll see an option for Social Groups, click on that and you'll see all the groups.



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