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Stars and planets from Turkey

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Hi all,

I've just come back from a week in the south of Turkey (Bitez). The stars down there were nice and bright... not the best, but viewing was much clearer then back here in England.

Couple of quick questions...

1. In the evening - the brightest object (other than the moon) - I'm pretty certain was Jupiter. Is this correct?

2. At roughly 4.00 am to sunrise I could make out another very bright object - to the left of Orion. I was pretty sure this must have been Saturn - but with the aid of Stellarium it looks like I was very wrong. I can't recall the exact position of the object in relation to Orion, only that it was to the left. Stellarium places both Venus and Mars witin this range... but I'm fairly sure that Mars would not be anywhere near as bright as Venus (due to distance etc) - so this must have been Venus right?


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Certainly Jupiter in the evening - its getting quite close to a bright moon now. Mars is rising in the east about 3.00 a.m. Its quite dim and slightly reddish. Venus follows it about 4.00 a.m. and is brilliant - a fair bit brighter than Jupiter. Do you have binoculars - worth a look at them if you do?

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Thanks all.

Unfortunately I'm back from Turkey now - so won't able to view them in such clear sky's now. I managed to observe Jupiter a while back with my telesope (which was awesome), and Venus a few months back when it was visible in the UK. I've not been able to view Mars yet though... when shou that be up in the UK night sky next?

I wished I'd taken my bino's on holiday - but totally forgot :-( Obviously no chance of me taking my scope... I think the mount might cost a bit in excess luggage ;-)

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Hi Gobes - You wouldn't by any chance be in the Chester area, and recently acquired a Nexstar 6SE would you? - If so, you probably know who I am - my alias is Sceptic Knuckles - lol. (If not, just disregard this rambling).

I'm certainly envious of the clear skies in Turkey - here in Chester it's like looking through an orange soup.



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