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Everything posted by Tom62e

  1. Great job. What size steel plates did you use for the pier adapter?
  2. I wouldn't use a default offset setting. Take a dark sub with the setting you think you want to use (for me I engage HGM and Ultra Mode and set gain to 100). Then look at the Dark's hisotgram in NINA. The peak should be far to the left but not clipped. In other words, the entire peak (even at the base) should be within the histogram while staying as far to the left as possible without clipping. For me with the ToupTek IMX533 sensor, my offset is 335.34
  3. Hi Astro Community, I recently bought the ToupTek CMOS ATR3CMOS09000KPA (IMX533) camera. These are the same camera rebranded as RisingCam, Altair, Omegon, and others. I am looking for assistance interpreting the data to find unity gain. The manufacturer claims unity gain is at 300 but never responded when I asked if that was in High-Gain-Mode (HGM) or not. The user manual states the gain ratio is 3.05. I am assuming this is a multiplier? Looking at the data below, it looks to me the Unity Gain is probably close to what ToupTek says—300, but the data doesn't clarify in what mode. So, one might assume in "normal" mode (I.E. without checking the boxes for HGM or HFW). So if that is the case, and if the gain ratio is indeed a multiplier of 3.05, then perhaps unity gain is 100 when in High-Conversion-Gain (HGM). In other words . . . gain set to 100 in HCG Mode X 3.05 (gain ratio) = New Gain of 305— close to what the manufacturer recommends. My conclusion is that unity gain is 300 without HGM engaged . . . and 100 with HGM engaged. Thoughts?
  4. Ok, that's what I thought. So no, I haven't re-sized it at all.
  5. Hi there, Thanks for the response. So just so I understand, is cropping the same as re-sizing? If so, then I did not know that would change the pixel size. But then why would it work in a linear image that has been cropped? Thanks, Tommy
  6. I tried playing with the advanced parameters to include more stars and then again to include less stars and I always get the same error. This is This is the error message I'm getting.
  7. It helps because it rules out the issue being a limitation of PI. Now I know I need to keep looking for the cause. FYI - If you ever have an image with no metadata because it was lost after processing, you can always open a single sub - go to images - Fits Headers - select the sub in the drop-down menu - and then drop the instance onto the main image. It will transfer the metadata from the sub to your main image. Thanks for the reply.
  8. Hi all, Question about PixInsight . . . can PI plate solve a stretched image with ImageSolver? I ask because ImageSolver always fails on all of my stretched images but never fails on any of my linear images. So, I'm assuming the answer is that PI can only solve linear images (is this correct?). If so, is there another way to solve stretched images in PixInsight — or perhaps I'm just missing an inconspicuous parameter setting? Thanks, Tommy
  9. I hate and love my AA+ Pros super easy and intuitive interface (until last 2.0 update) much less to think about small, light, and clean (power and usb all in one) All-in-one software - only one software to worry about keeping updated cons limited functionality (also a Pro - less to think about) inferior guiding and focusing - the two most important functions! can be glitchy (loss signal, slow upload/download speeds) stuck with ZWO platform (their EAF is horrendous although there are work-around). Fan of their cameras. worst customer service in the entire universe! I can’t stress this point enough. in summary, I highly recommend AA+ for rank newbies to learn on and not at all for experienced imagers with diversified equipment who desire more control and better functionality.
  10. Thanks guys. I always had better results with Darls myself. So, I'll go ahead and build another Dark Library. Tommy
  11. ZWO sent me a replacement camera for my asi533mc-pro, which unfortunately took a poop. Since it's the exact same model camera, but not the same actual camera—do I need to build a new Dark Library? Thanks, Tommy
  12. Hi all, Looking to replace the stock focuser on my 8" Explore Scientific N208CF Newtonian astrograph. I do not wish to drill holes in the OTA if it can be avoided. Single or double speed is fine. I will be connecting a ZWO EAF auto-focuser to it. Thanks to all who reply. Clear skies, Tommy
  13. Hi all, My apologies if this should be posted under the Equipment forum . . . I just acquired an Orion EON 130 ED Triplet. The one found here (hopefully the link works): https://www.telescope.com I bought the .80 field flattener/focal reducer. But I want the option to use it at it's longer, albeit slower, native focal ratio of 910mm (f/7). I was told there are field flatteners on the market that do not incorporate focal reduction. However, I am having difficulty finding one compatible with this scope. Does anyone know of a compatible FF for this scope they can recommend that doesn't incorporate focal reduction? Thanks, Tommy
  14. Got it. Thank you. Sounds like eventually I'll be moving to mono imaging with a FW.
  15. I understand. I think I'll stick with a tri-band filter designed for OSC cameras. Thanks guys!
  16. Hi all, Just curious if I could use the Celestron OIII filter 93624 for imaging? I originally bought it for visual use but the website does not mention if it can or cannot be used for imaging. Also, can I take separate subs with different filters the way you do with Mono imaging but using a colored camera? In other words, I'm looking to use my ASI294MC-PRO (color) to take 15 subs with an OIII filter, then 15 subs with a SII filter, and then 15 with a H-alpha filter. Then combine them in processing the way you would with mono imaging. Would that work? Thanks
  17. I follow the old adage: if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
  18. Hey guys - I just followed the video and I am now connected directly from the Mount's USB port directly to PC via EQMod - and Pointcraft seems to be working perfectly now. But I won't know for sure until tonight (to verify it's actually moving to the correct location). Thanks for all the help!
  19. The serial port was for the older models, no? I have the newer model with the USB port in the HC and also on the mount itself (the port on the mount is the one that required EQMod, while the port on the HC does not - according to the idiot salesperson, lol). Souldn't I be able to use one of them instead of the antiquated serial port?
  20. I connect the HC to my PC with a regular USB printer cable (USB A to USB B cable). I do not know if the HC is in "Direct PC Mode". Honestly never knew such a mode existed. I certainly don't remember reading about it in the manual but I'll look again.
  21. Yes, EQMod was the additional software he was referring to. I'll see if downloading that and connecting my mount directly to the PC with a USB cable (as opposed to connecting through the HC with a USB cable) and see if that solves the issue. It's just weird that sometimes it moves the mount (albeit in the wrong direction) and sometimes it doesn't.
  22. I was never able to get it to work direct to the mount. The salesperson at Skywatcher told me it required additional software so I never bothered. I'm using Astrophotography Tool (APT) to drive the mount.
  23. I'm using a EQ6-R Pro with a ASI120MM-S guide camera and a ASI294MC-Pro main imaging camera. PHD2 for tracking. I control the mount via ASCOM through the USB port on the Hand Controller (I do not use the guide port). USBs are run through the Pegasus Powered-USB port to my LapTop running Windows 10.
  24. Hi. I have tried for three weekends in a row to solve this issue. PointCraft will not slew to a Goto++ target after syncing with a platesolved image. It says it's slewing (so I assume the command is issued) but the scope does not move at all. It's as if the clutches weren't engaged except they are. Other times, it will issue the slew command, and the scope will move, but nowhere near the correct location of the object selected. Thoughts?
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