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Posts posted by laudropb

  1. Very interesting read Victor. I just read your post after being out setting up to observe Mars later tonight. I have been using an ED 120 the last few nights, but tonight I decided to setup my 8 inch Dob. One reason for this is that I have an equatorial platform to sit it on which will keep Mars in view for about 1/2 an hour, but after reading your post I checked my logs and I have not used the Dob since last December. I now much prefer the views through a frac. I have an ED 72 and like you I really love it. My circumstances are different from you of course. I am under no pressure to sell the Dob and do t think I ever will. However the advice that your best scope is the one you will use is much more appropriate to your circumstances. I think you should sell it and get a bigger frac.

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