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Status Updates posted by richyrich_one

  1. Which DIY project do I finish first!

  2. Yes this is my natural hair colour!

    1. HumptyMoo


      Sir! If that is natural I bring into question the human genome :) But, more importantly, why the rectangular face?? :D

    2. ronin


      I have no problem with the human gemone, it is the source Richyrich-one's genome I would be interested in. With that overall colouring almost certainly Mars as it would be a camouflage colour against the terrain. Maybe Betelgeuese, Aldebaren or Antares.

  3. So much to buy and so little to buy it with!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gooseholla


      The guy above is correct!

    3. Myopicus


      It's a life-long hobby. No rush.

    4. andyman


      You will not see a better post anywhere...thats cracking advice ronin

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