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  1. OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....? OSC/MONO....?


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Marky1973


      Hi Rob

      Well, I pulled it - 414EX and power supply coming from FLO, scored a manual (yes, I know) filter wheel from Steve on the forum and sourced LRGB Baader filters from Astro Buy and Sell. That will be enough to get me going and saved me a few quid that I will keep aside to get an IDAS LP filter/Ha filter in the next month or so, once I know what I am doing with the kit.

      Thanks again for all your help - I may not have gone with your exact advice, but it has been very helpful in knowing where I am heading!

      Clear Skies!




    3. Uranium235


      Sounds like a plan to me! Im just wondering why you chose an additional PSU - and chose not to run it off a bench supply? (all my stuff is powered by one big phat PSU).

      As long as you get the Ha by May/June you wont miss much. But Cygnus should be your first stop when you do get one, its an easy place to get lost in for a few months. But for your first hit, M13 is a good choice - it will give you a chance to work on your star handling & focus, and a chance to practice layer masking (for the core).

    4. Marky1973


      Hi Rob

      Do you mean like the one's Maplin do - or on the FLO site (Although that is not available at the moment)? Power is one of the things next on my list but, again, something I need to look into before I start trying various options. With your bench supply, can you connect several things to one unit- the ones I have seen only have one pair of binding posts. BUt, presuming you have enough AMPs I guess you can run several items if you can connect them all.

      Yeah, hope to get Ha sorted in the next month or two, and was looking at M13 as a possible target to cut my teeth on yesterday when playing around with FOV calculators... so at least I am on the right wavelength with something.

      How do you chose your targets? Do you have a "guide" or is it just years of experience, looking up and getting used to the night sky?



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