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Posts posted by acr_astro

  1. Dear all,

    yesterday evening I have chosen the lunar crater J. Herschel (named after British astronomer John Herschel from 19th century, the son of William Herschel) which exposed a pretty convexed floor in the rising sun. The crater has a diameter of about 150 km and lies at the northern "coast" of Mare Frigoris.
    The sketch starts with Harpalus in the South, then you can see the 24 km crater Horrebow (named after a Danish astronomer from 17th century) just at the southern rim of J. Herschel. At the northern end of my sketch we have the 71 km crater Philolaus.
    The dominating crater J. Herschel (too be precisely a walled plain) has a quite rough surface which is said to be caused by ejecta from the impact that formed the Mare Imbrium. This rough structure and its convexed shape resulted in a nice three-dimensional appearance.
    Southeast of it, I sketched the secondary craters J. Herschel F and la Condamine B which are located in Mare Frigoris.

    So here's the sketch:


    Telescope: Celestron NexStar 127 SLT
    Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 14mm/82° (due to the poor seeing, I couldn't go for the 6.7mm/82°)
    Date & Time: January 6th, 2020 / 1845-1945 CET
    Location: Backyard, Dusseldorf Region, Germany
    Technique: Koh-i-Noor chalk, extra charcoal and whitecoal pens and pieces on Seawhite of Brighton black sketching paper
    Size: appr. 20x30cm

    And finally here's a photo of my observation place:


    Clear skies!


    • Like 8
  2. Hello Mike,

    thanks for sharing this great sketch with us. The shadow on the crater floor indeed looks like a cutout of a man's head as mentioned as well by Martin!

    Clear skies


  3. Hi Mike,

    thanks for showing these two sketches with their individual techniques!

    And thanks Martin for the link.  I've been posting to that site quite some times in the past and indeed this Maurolycus sketch is mine. It was nice to revisit it five years after posting. :)

    Unfortunately that site isn't maintained anymore as far as know.

    Clear skies!


  4. Dear all,

    first of all Happy New Year to all of you!

    Today we had a very sunny day over here, so I set up my Dobsonian telescope waiting for the moon. Since I could not decide for a single crater to sketch, I went for the whole visible moon and spent about an hour with that.


    Telescope: 10" f/5 Martini Truss tube Dobsonian
    Eyepiece: ES 82°/14mm
    Date and Time: January 1st, 2020 / 1700-1800 CET
    Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
    Technique: chalk and charcoal and whitecoal pens on black sketching paper
    Size: appr. 20 cm diameter

    Clear skies!

    • Like 16
  5. Dear all,

    yesterday evening, the moon just a good day before full moon looked inviting through my window. So I set up my grab & go 70/420 ED and after some months without lunar sketching did a chalk and charcoal sketch of it. Here we go:



    Telescope: TS 70/420 ED
    Eyepiece: ES 14mm/82°
    Date & Time: Nov 11th, 2019 / 1830-1900 CET
    Location: Dusseldorf area, Germany
    Technique: chalk and charcoal pens on black sketching paper
    Size: diameter 8 inch

    Clear and sunny skies!


    • Like 10
  6. Hi,

    an excellent start of lunar sketching! Especially in our fast moving times, lunar observerving and sketches might be treated by some people as outdated. But for me it's a great time to come down and relax. I hope that you've already got addicted to it and we'll see more of your sketches here soon!

    Clear skies!


    • Thanks 1
  7. Dear all,

    now the summer heat seems to be gone. It's still sunny but not that hot anymore. Perfect weather for sketching for the H alpha sun:


    Telescope: Lunt LS50THaB600PT
    Eyepiece: Celestron X-Cel 10mm
    Date & Time: August 30th, 2019 / 1230-1300 CEST
    Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
    Technique: reddish Koh-i-Noor Toison d'Or pastels and pastel pens on yellowish Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper

    Clear and sunny skies!


    • Like 16
  8. 14 hours ago, Ruud said:

    My plan is to avoid the Sun altogether in the next few days. 36-39 °C is too hot for me!

    Hi Ruud,

    I'll do this here as well. Sunblinds down and staying more or less inside. But now I have a sketch of the sun inside the house ;)

    And it's not hot. It's black - light switched off! :)

    Clear skies!


  9. Dear all,

    today once again, I did a charcoal sketch of our star bringing us 33°C before lunch time. The solar "north pole" is approximately at the prominence at the top of the sketch. The sketch is right-left flipped. Beside the orientation of the north pole, I figured out on the internet that the bright spot in the left area of the sketch is AR12745. The disc and parts of the prominences is done with natural charcoal. The filament and the dark areas of the prominences are done with the charcoal pen.


    Telescope: Lunt LS 50 THa B600 PT
    Eyepiece: Celestron X-cel 10mm
    Date & Time: July 23rd, 2019 / 1130-1200 CEST
    Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
    Technique: natural vine charcoal and Koh-i-Nor charcoal pen on white Hahnemühle Ingres mould-made pastel paper
    Size: 24x31cm

    Clear (and sunny) skies!


    • Like 8
  10. Hello Mike,

    excellent sketch of craters I haven't observed yet! I should put this on my to-do-list. And thanks for the informative text - I enjoyed reading!

    Clear skies


  11. Dear all,

    as usual, I couldn't resist to create yet another charcoal sketch of the H alpha sun. It is relaxing for me to observe the proms and filaments and to try to catch them "as they are" on the paper. At first glance, the sun looks pretty similar - just at second glance and comparison with my other sketches, I have seen that it looks similar but always a bit different. The disc and the prominences are done with natural charcoal, just for the filaments, I needed a Koh-i-Noor artificial charcoal pen since it's darker.


    Telescope: Lunt LS 50 THa B600 PT
    Eyepiece: Celestron X-cel 10mm
    Date & Time: July 1st, 2019 / 1015-1045 CEST
    Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
    Technique: natural vine charcoal and Koh-i-Nor charcoal pen on white Hahnemühle Ingres mould-made pastel paper
    Size: 24x31cm

    Clear (and sunny) skies!




    • Like 7
  12. Dear all,

    today morning I had a look at the GONG network images on the internet and set up my telescope to have a look at that awesome large prominence on the southeastern limb of our home star. First I concentrated on a sketch of just that wonderful prominence. After that, I created - as usual - a sketch of the full solar disc. I noticed that the prominence already had changed during my sketching time.




    Telescope: Lunt LS 50 THa B600 PT
    Eyepiece: TS HR Planetary 7mm
    Date & Time: June 28th, 2019 / 1045-1145 CEST
    Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
    Technique: natural vine charcoal on white Hahnemühle Ingres mould-made pastel paper
    Size: 24x31cm 

    Clear (and sunny) skies!


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