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Status Updates posted by newbieMaria

  1. Hi, just been looking at Jupiter/Venus and have a question. Is one eclipsing the other? I saw a crescent but to the upper right was another planet. So confused as to what the crescent was. Thanks maria

    1. ghostdance


      The crescent is Venus (it has phases like the Moon) - the other planet was Jupiter! So, well done - you saw the conjunction :)

  2. hi, I'm having a problem with the red eye on my skywatcher 1300. when I line up the red dot with what I want to look at, the object is not in view any more. its not been knocked so not sure why it is not aligned any more. any advice anyone ? maria

    1. ronin


      Hate to say it but it will have got a bump or knock and so moved. Indoors = warm, outdoors = cold and bits move. Like just about anything they need a check and reset at intervals. People do not go bumping mirrors or diagonals but they still have to check and reset collimation. Finders are more likely to getting in contact with things then a secondary, spider or main mirror, they stick out.

    2. Ant


      I agree, just a gentle touch can be enough to knock them off slightly.

      I usually re-align them on the moon (if its up) or on a streetlight / TV aerial - thats usually enough to get the finder close enough.

      I pretty much accidentally knock mine every session.

  3. hi everyone, I wonder if you could answer a question I have. it miy

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    2. gooseholla


      I would guess satellites.

    3. Amra


      Satelites, if they were traveling in a straight line with the same speed. That's something you'll notice a lot when observing.

    4. newbieMaria


      Cool, thanks for the feedback guys

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