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Posts posted by Physopto

  1. 3 hours ago, stash_old said:

    this shouldn't happen if its a true FDTI chip (as opposed to a clone) as the real chip and driver have a unique serial number which is recognised after you have installed the driver once. Moving USB sockets should not make any difference as it follows the serial number of he USB device. The same goes for Linux. Thats why you pay extra for a real thing. 🙂

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13741853/how-to-get-stable-com-ports-for-usb-serial-dongles-in-windows-xp still applies to Win 10


    That is what I thought, but I am using genuine FTDI chips and it has happened when I was using a Win 7 computer. No idea why. I don't use EQMOD anymore, so not able to repeat test it now.

  2. 1 hour ago, stash_old said:

    if changing the com port in EQMOD as suggested above (DO NOT USE the search button)  (after checking what the actual com port number is displayed in Device Manager - just in case its changed again) does work look at your cable ends and if using DB9 check for bent or missing pins.

    To test the adapter you can download Putty from the web - some virus checkers will complain but you should be able to scan the file - then loop rx/tx pins (harder to do if you mount end is  RJ45 ). you then use Putty to talk to itself (hence the looping of TX/RX). Use connection type "Serial" on putty and this will then allow you to change the Com port to whatever your device number is shown in device manager.  Whatever you type should be shown in Putty's window the adapter is working. If its working wiggle the cable in case you have a bad connection and see if the connection is dropped!

    If the later all works this would point to the Mount 😞 or the cable is wrongly wired!.  If it fails have you another PC or a Astro friend to test out your cable and mount in case your PC OS software is corrupt!  

    You have't displayed an image of the USB Adapter are you sure its a "real" FDTI and the voltage is the correct level (5v or 3.3v) depending on your mount . Plus I am assuming the Atlas Model(and firmware level) is supported by EQMOD - I think they are supposed to be the same as SW!

    Never heard of Putty sounds good.

    One point about FTDI is that if you do use a different USB socket it can cause problems for EQMOD and the Com port. Easily sorted, but annoying if you have forgotten which USB port you last connected to.

  3. Don't forget the thickness of the filters will change the back focus.

    It depends upon the filter thickness and refractive index of the glass used. Most filters have a refractive index about the same. Some manufacturers filters are 1mm thick and others can be 3mm thick. So the effective light path length is changed in a system depending whose filters you use.  As the refractive index of a filter can be around 1.45 the thickness of the filter affects the speed of the light and OPL is changed. So OPL for the filter is dn where d is the glass thickness and n the refractive index. A 3mm thick filter can change the optical path length by up to 1mm where as 1mm filter it is only about 0.3mm.


  4. Well boy-os, less tha 2weeks to go. 

    It will be good fun to meet up with everyone again.

    Pie addicts as well I suppose.🤔

    So we can expect P.E.A. to reign supreme and have to arrange a circle of chairs and listen to all that drivel about their childhood problems, being force fed pies by their parents I expect!

    Ah, well, if we can't help those afflicted poor souls........ 🤣

    Never mind the rest of us can blot it all out with a dram or several. 🥃🥃🥃🥃 I think Mike was feeling sorry for the addicts and may bring a placebo pie or two. (Maybe stop the uncontrolled screaming during their withdrawal ).

    Oh the fun we will have. 😈

  5. 40 minutes ago, mapstar said:

    My skills in the kitchen are limited 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤣

    I thought you'd got the motorised mini pie shooter working Derren? Don't try to tell us all you're going to try doing astro photography with it? 🔭🥃🔭🥃🔭🥃🔭🥃🔭🥃 Goes summit like that 😇


    • Haha 1
  6. Breaking News !

    The South Shields Astronomical Gazette has reported that Damian (Mapstar) has just joined  P.E.A. ( Pie Eaters Anonymous). 

    Apparently during his interview he stated "his problems with pies, started in childhood"

    He has fought the addiction for many years but he realised after perfecting his "22" pie measuring device", that he had to do something drastic to end the belly stretching problem. 

    I am sure we all wish him all the best with fighting his addiction. 


    Now  Ian,,,   What yer gonna do without yer competitive pal.   🤣 

    • Haha 4
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