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Posts posted by Nakedgun

  1. 2 hours ago, Pancho61 said:

    So mean of the translation in red square:

    Focus on optical measure:

    Test old equipment on bench measurement is always exciting as it allowed to verify some qualify "word" who has been use in the past and compare to modern equipement. Measure has been done by Airylab company. It has been done three wavelenght blue, green and red. Result was very good especcially in the blue. The mains defaults who has been detect concern the spherical aberration and residual chromatism who has been of course present due to low F/D, non ED glass and/or special optic formula.


    OK, thank you.

  2. 20 hours ago, Pancho61 said:

    mini scope collection some items was sold for new stuff.  Love this models.

    From left to right:

    Vixen Planet 80S frist model

    Vixen Halley 70S


    Vixen 60S

    Pentax J60c



    Nice little squad, there!

    What's the Pentax case in back all about, did the scope come packaged in that??

  3. When my telescope collection is looked at in toto, it is clear I have an affection for small aperture instruments in spite of owning an 18" reflector, recently sold, which have been acquired over the last quarter-century (I entered this hobby comparatively late in life).

    My current abode has seen a noticeable reduction in sky quality over the three decades I've been here (do populations ever decline?), so these little guys reveal fewer objects as time passes. Nevertheless, I still do enjoy their use from the backyard and always bring one along when observing from a dark-sky location with a larger scope.





    50mm f/10.

    • Like 5
  4. 55 minutes ago, Nakedgun said:

    Viewed Mercury/Venus Sunday night with 10x50s and 82mm spotter, Mercury ~10° below Venus, Mercury becoming visible naked-eye near 2000hrs.

    Monday night clouded out.

    Tuesday night Mercury was ~5° below Venus.

    Will go out a half-hour from now to look. 

    Skies are clear now (Wednesday) and should be (Thursday) for the conjunction, as well.


    With a 20x wide angle ep on the spotter, I was just able to fit both planets into the same field, this evening. 

  5. Viewed Mercury/Venus Sunday night with 10x50s and 82mm spotter, Mercury ~10° below Venus, Mercury becoming visible naked-eye near 2000hrs.

    Monday night clouded out.

    Tuesday night Mercury was ~5° below Venus.

    Will go out a half-hour from now to look. 

    Skies are clear now (Wednesday) and should be (Thursday) for the conjunction, as well.

    • Like 1
  6. On 14/05/2020 at 11:32, vineyard said:


    Sorry if this is the wrong sub-channel, but I thought I'd share this photo.  An old Vixen Super-Polaris 102M on an original SP mount and original HAL-130 (?) tripod.  I got this from my elderly father (he's still going, but this gear is a bit bulky for him now - so I swapped him an old Vixen Porta on a Japanese surveyor's tripod (original versions both) and my little Primaluce 72ED as those are a bit easier to handle hopefully).

    Looking fwd to taking it for a spin - strictly visual tonight :)

    Stay safe all,




    Nice upgrade, to be sure! The tripod is not the HAL-130, but its model number does not come to mind, just now.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 minute ago, John said:

    That was the first colour scheme that the ED120 was available in. The ED80 and ED100 were supplied for a year or so before this in the Skywatcher blue colour scheme.


    Don't remember seeing a blue one, before. I'm not crazy about the current black metal-flake, which I have.

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