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Status Updates posted by Watchman

  1. Got scope out, clouds came over, waited... put scope away. sad panda.

  2. quiet day today and hoping for a clear night.. doesnt look likely..

  3. work till 10 pm again tongiht :(

  4. working till 10pm, but lets see what the skies bring tonight, its a lovely day

    1. ronin


      Well it should be the Perseids tonight so finishing at 10:00pm may not be bad.

      Every decent meteor shower for the past few years has been clouded out however for me.

  5. Got a pair of 10x50s today.. 5th day of cloud cover now though grrr

  6. will it be clear tonight? 4 days now...

  7. Stupid clouds :(

  8. watching a film withe the wife then skies willing ill take the 200p out for atest drive :)

    1. emadmoussa


      Did you test it?

  9. Now just aiting for time to set up and use my 200p dob for the first time!

    1. crashtestdummy


      praying for clear skies for you.200p was my first scope,you will get lots of pleasure from it!!

  10. Collecting my new skyliner 200p dob tomorrow :) happy

    1. michael24


      nice, my upgrade is due lol

    2. emadmoussa


      Nice - we need some p hotos :)

  11. Today may be the day I buy my first scope... should I be this nervous?

    1. emadmoussa


      I thought you already had a telescope. What do you have in mind? Do you need any tips?

  12. 2x barlow has just arrived, lets hope the weather improves :S

  13. clouds and rain today then

  14. If the skies stay as clear as it looks, ill be using the daughters minidob again tonight...I need to buy stuff!

  15. Seriously hoping I sell my stuff and can order my skyliner 200p very very soon...

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