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    Scotland, Sol 3

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  1. Got these two shots with my camera phone on Friday, so at least I can say I did some astronomy in November! Crescent Moon, from garden, 29/11/19 16:04 Crescent Moon, from bedroom, 29/11/19 16:34 Got a nice look with the 10x50s as well. And saw Venus with the binos upstairs afterwards as well.
  2. After a wonderful blue sky early afternoon, of course it was cloudy at 4pm! There were very slight gaps in the clouds in the South West roughly where the Moon, Venus and Jupiter might have been which teased me, but no luck! Sometimes I wonder why I bother with this hobby!
  3. P.S.The sky is of course, right now (13:00), totally clear except for a small white cloud on The South West horizon!
  4. This morning was quite sunny, first time in a while up here, but of course was cloudy on the appropriate horizon! Which is what usually happens when trying to see a young crescent Moon in the evening! Will try this evening to see if I can see the thin crescent, fingers crossed!
  5. Looking to see where the Moon would be at sunset on the 28th November (tomorrow) here in the UK, I noticed that Jupiter looked like it had passed close to the Moon earlier in the day. Scanning back on Stellarium on my phone, it shows that as the Moon rises at about 10:20 here in the Central Belt in Scotland, Jupiter reappears from occultation at about 10:29! It would probably be difficult to spot that low, especially with the weather we're all having recently, but were folks aware of this possibility? Mark
  6. Oddly enough, when I first saw the pic, I thought it was a matching green to the scope. But now I can plainly see it's blue! @F15Rules What scope is that pointed at the summer house?
  7. Is delivery of S&T a problem these days? I think I've seen a few complaints about this? When I collected the magazine by subscription, 1979-1990 or so, although it took about eight weeks to get the first issue (which I was told to expect), I never had any problems, it was a regular delivery.
  8. Congratulations. Oddly, the only postal delivery vans on Sunday I've seen have been DPD. Can anyone confirm other couriers deliver on a Sunday?
  9. What year is that edition? My old copy had a Shuttle at a spacestation, this one looks older than that.
  10. Was about to ask the same thing. The one on the focuser looks like it's a thermometer, but can't make out the one on the diagonal.
  11. It still fascinates me when I see a short FL eyepiece like that today, at that physical length. When I first expanded my eyepieces in the 80s for a 50mm refractor, and then my home built 150mm Newtonian, the Kellners got SHORTER physically as FL went towards shorter FLs!
  12. That is so sad to hear. Condolences to the family.
  13. That is really sad news. Condolences to his family and friends.
  14. That is rather shocking. Glad there was a return on it. I've never had anything serious go wrong on eBay, although I've only ever got BST eyepieces from it in an astronomical sense.
  15. The camera, I take it? Or both it and the little scope?
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