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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. The inner solar system is not a good place for big telescopes due to the light pollution from the Zodiacal Light, yep even HST suffers from LP. Plus, of course, the attendant micro-meteorites.

    Once we get spacecraft and engines that are better than our current stone-age dugout canoes then the place to put a big (100m+) telescope is out in the Kuiper belt.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    Why? I really like the idea - 100% 3d printed telescope :D - even lens.

    It won't be very useful telescope, but I find it interesting project.

    Sanding it? If he's modeling it from am existing lens, then molding a pitch lap would be best.

  3. 15 hours ago, johninderby said:

    One of the big potential problems with plastic or polymer lenses is that as they age they tend to yellow and darken. 

    BTW plastic is a specific type of polymer made up of long chain polymers  whereas polymer is made up of smaller more uniform molecules. All plastics are polymers bit not not all polymers are plastic.

    "Plastic" refers to the type of deformation it can undergo. Plastic deformation is where the material stays in the same shape after being deformed (eg when putting marzipan over a cake, something I've just done) as distinct from Elastic deformation where the material springs back into shape after being deformed.

    There are thermoplastics (Mst of the common types used in packaging or in FDM printing) and thermosetting, where the material cannot be melted again without decomposition, eg epoxy resins. There are also photopolymers, eg in SLA printing.

  4. The kit I have in my obsy cost roughly as much as my car (Which wasn't cheap). Whether it's *worth* as much as my car depends on your definition of "worth".

    Looking at my folders on the NAS, my last session was on the 1st of this month when I captured 4 hours [OIII] on M1 to go with the 6 hours H-alpha I got back in Jan / Feb. Yep, that's what I have to think about now, building a deep image is something for a multi-year project.

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