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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. For software I'm going to shout out for AstroArt 8. It's your one-stop-shop for capture with guiding, sequencing, autofocus and plate-solve. Then it's a blindingly fast stacker (Though I do occasionally use DSS when AA8 doesn't like the subs), and an underratedly powerful image processor, overlooked in favour of the latest "flavour of the month".

    It even has options for comet and spectrum stacking.

    Pixinsight may be more powerful, but the trial did my head in. Very (Almost consciously) counter-intuitive and determined to be unlike anything else. Written by mathematicians, for mathematicians.


    • Thanks 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    Just bin the ASI6200MM Pro 2x2 in software, the read noise is so low that its going to make very little difference over having a dedicated 6um pixel. 


    My original point was in regarding to a camera with the sensor size and format of the 16200. I much prefer the squarer shape of the 16200, while finding the 3:2 shape of the current crop of repurposed photographic sensors too long and thin. Unfortunately square sensors are limited to either the 533 which is too small for my purposes or the various 4040 based cameras which are crazy expensive, even worse than the 16803 which appears to be defunct.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

    The mele quieter 2 are very popular ATM, lots of good reviews on them, and very compact….


    I have 3 of them, one for the mobile wide-field rig with a 500 gig M2 SSD, the other two for remote connection to my obsy and platform computers. However one of them has a borked ethernet port so can only connect via WiFi. they only have 4 USB ports though, which are enough for my usage, but might not be for yours.

    • Like 1
  4. This is inspiring me to have another look at M101, a target I've shamefully ignored since a first abortive attempt back in '16 when I was living in the light-polluted hell that is London.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Feels like I've been working on this forever.

    Last year I captured a load of LRGB data in Bin 1 which had a light leak in a lot of the subs. In the end I discarded all the duff subs and combined the rest into a Synthetic Luminance which got a DDP stretch as well as Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, Unsharp Mask, Denoise and slight Histogram Stretch.

    This year I got 9 subs RGB in Bin 2 with G2v calibration, of which DSS stacked the best 8. these were combined into a RGB and layered with the Synthetic Luminance. I also got 5 hours H-alpha but in the end didn't use it as it caused some intractable alignment issues (No, I don't know why).

    This is the result, saved as a JPEG.


    C&C welcome, as well as suggestions as to how to proceed from here. I think I will try to get another 9 subs RGB, and *maybe* another 5 hours H-alpha.


    Edit: It's worth having a look at the full size image, There are a lot of faint fuzzies that are worth tracking down.

    • Like 12
  6. This is 6 hours Bin 1 Luminance plus 2 hours 30 mins Bin 2 Red and Green (15 subs) and 227.5 mins (13 x 17.5 min) Blue subs with the ODK rig in my sig.

    Stacking in DSS, post in AstroArt 8. Reduces to 1/2 size and saved as PNG. It doesn't take much effort to see some dodgy colour alignment issues, but I really cannot be asked to fix them. At least for the moment.


    May try and get some more data including H-alpha. If the weather ever cooperates.


    • Like 20
  7. I've had a look at the individual stacks and can see that scruff on all the R, G, and B stacks moving down from top to bottom as the sequence ran, Red, then Green, then Blue the random nature is partly due to dithering. This suggests some kind of light ingress, the sharpness also suggests that it's distant enough to be nearly in focus. It cannot be stationary on earth as the line would be much longer.

    It isn't on the Luminance stack, but the L stack had 36 subs giving AstroArt a better chance of eliminating rogue data points with Sigma Stacking.

    Top to bottom on the sensor in this orientation is along the RA axis.

    I might suspect something bright in near geostationary orbit, but what?

    Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

  8. But getting there slowly.

    This is 8 subs RGB Bin 2 in G2v calibration from last night combined with 6 hours Bin 1 Luminance from last year. Sigma-Sum stacked in AA8 with Darks, Flats and Dark Flats. Calibration frames given Sigma stacking as well. Last year's data given a new stacking with the same treatment. Each stack upscaled before co-registering with the Luminance. Then Trichromy, LRGB synthesis cropping and final gradient removal before denoising.

    Saved as a PNG


    Needs a lot more data, mainly RGB so sigma stacking can get rid of Stinking Musk's garbage. Plus there is some odd Red and Green "scruff" within the galaxy that I don't know the origin of.

    Any other C&C welcome.

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