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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. I have actually seen M33, one early winter night when I had got up to shut down the imaging. A faint but definite fuzzy blob. I wondered what it was, only realised that it was M33 after looking on Stellarium. It was quite a spectacular night with Auriga glittering with clusters. LP map says 21.7

    • Like 1
  2. The "other" GC in Hercules. 

    This wasn't really intended as an image, I just wanted to check that having put my location into Maxim, PixInsight would be able to use it in the post processing.

    This is just an hour each RGB in 5 min subs with the ODK 12 / Trius setup. PI did deal with the data, MPCC, then RGB combination, PCC (SPCC gave a very blue result, due to not having a QE curve for the 694 sensor) then BlurX, NoiseX and Masked Stretch. Saturation boost in AstroArt 8 and saved as a PNG


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    • Thanks 1
  3. Oh yes, I like that.

    Unfortunately, Galaxy Season is well and truly over for this year here, we lose all Astro Dark until the 16th July, and I'm on the south west coast. I posted my last very poor galaxy image yesterday.

  4. As posted in the competition thread, this is just barely enough data to make an image, 3 hours RGB in Bin 2 and 3 hours Luminance in Bin 1, all in 600 sec subs. Captured on the 21st (RGB) and 24th (Lum), mostly in Nautical Dark.

    Stacked and RGB combination in AstroArt 8 (MPCC didn't like my data), cropped and gradient removal. Then into PI for SPCC, BlurX, NoiseX and Masked Stretch (Which did a better job than ArcSinH Stretch), then back to AstroArt for LRGB synthesis and a light Unsharp Mask.


    I need new Flats, as I had to push the background down further than I would like, plus there's a swarm of brightly coloured noise just below the floor. ODK12, SX694, Baader LRGB filters. DDM 85, Maxim DL6, ASA software package.

    And that's it for Galaxy Season, no more Astro DArk until the 16th July so will have to look at NB targets, Boo.

    • Like 6
  5. HCG 61, the "Box"

    This is just 6 hours of data, barely enough to make an image. 1 hour each RGB, and 3 hours Luminance, all in 600 sec subs collected on the 21st (RGB), and 24th (L) Stacked in AstroArt 8, then BlurX, NoiseX SPCC (On the RGB) and MaskedStretch. Final LRGB combination and Unsharp Mask in AstroArt. I desperately need new Flat frames as I had to push the background down further than I would like. Captured with the ODK 12 and SX Trius 694 with Baader LRGB filters on the DDM 85


    • Like 11
  6. I set up to image HCG 68 last night but when I came to look at my stack it didn't look anything like HCG 68. A little investigation revealed that I had actually imaged HCG 58 which I had in my target list but had discounted as it was too far west to be viable. According to Stellarium the last sub was captured with it at an altitude of only 11 degrees, and partially hidden by the obsy wall.

    * Gives self a smack round the head *

    If anyone wants to know what HCG 58 looks like, here it is, just an hour each RGB


    It's probably too late now to get anything on HCG 68. Does "jinxed" come to mind :cussing:?

    • Like 2
  7. OK, one more.

    I put a soft mask over the core to isolate it from the surrounding galaxy and the field stars then applied quite a strong Unsharp Mask to bring up the detail. I did try the Multiscale High Pass filter in AstroArt 8 but it produced some "worm like" artifacts .


    • Like 3
  8. The "Black Eye" galaxy

    This is 4 hours Bin2 RGB in 10 min subs, and 4 hours Bin 1 Luminance, also in 10 min subs, on the 13th and 15 May, starting and ending in nautical dark. Very thin and low contrast data, but it is what it is.

    Stacked in AstroArt 8, initial Post in PI, then back to AA for LRGB combination and slight colour adjustment.


    Somewhat disappointing, but not unexpected given the suboptimal conditions. This is it for this Galaxy Season, just two images captured over three nights between 25th Feb and 15th May.

    • Like 18
  9. M64, the "Blackeye" galaxy

    This is 4 hours RGB (8 x 10 mins each) bin 2 and 4 hours Luminance in bin 1 This is very thin data, but with astro dark rapidly vanishing was all I could get. Captured on the 13th  and 15th May with the ODK 12 / SX694

    Stacking in AstroArt 8, initial post in PixInsight Blur X for the Lum, Noise X Masked Stretch and SPCC on the RGB, final LRGB combination and colour refining in AA8 again


    The conditions were far from ideal, hence the lack of detail in the spiral arms, but it is what it is.

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