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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. I'm lucky in that I'm a) retired, 2) an imager, and 3) have an automated obsy.

    So I can set up an imaging sequence, check that it's running, and then turn in. I may wake up to shut down the obsy after the run, but I have woken up at 6.30 in winter to shut down, which I can do from my tablet without having to get out of bed.

    Lazy? Yup 😂.

    • Like 2
  2. I still remember one early December a couple of years ago when I went out at about 4 to lock up and the sky was pitch black and glittering, with the clusters in Auriga like gems. Triangulum and Andromeda were still quite high in the west. M31 was huge, and I noticed a faint grey fuzzy that I only later twigged as M33, seen directly without needing averted vision.

    But I was only wearing my dressing gown so didn't hang about too long.

    • Like 2
  3. Launching near the equator is all right provided you aren't aiming for a polar orbit, in which case a site nearer the pole is needed, hence Spaceport Sutherland and Saxa Vord.

    Spaceport Cornwall is predicated on horizontal launches and landing. Dreamchaser is already lined up as a landing customer but we dropped the ball by not buying up Virgin Orbit when they went bankrupt.

  4. 4 hours ago, Highburymark said:

    I’ve now worked for three government departments which contribute to the UK space programme and there’s a huge amount of ambition (among civil servants and ministers) to grow our presence within the industry. We are certainly playing catch-up, but things are going in the right direction. Let’s hope it continues.

    That's good to know, let's hope they don't drop the ball again.

    • Like 1
  5. We are one of the largest satellite building nations, but we are now playing a very late catch up where launching is concerned.

    We were the sixth country to launch a satellite ( Why so late? It's not as if we lacked the ability) but the ONLY country to give up that ability.

    As I said above, I blame the lack of science qualifications in the civil service and among MPs.

  6. The OP should take very much note of what Carole has to say, she's been doing AP for longer than most here, including with DSLRs and her images have won awards on other fora.

    M101 is a very difficult target, especially under suboptimal conditions. If you want to keep on without a tracking mount due to financial restrictions then wide angle images of bright targets is the way to go.

    This might be about the cheapest tracking mount available.



    • Like 3
  7. I started out with a little Dixon's "Prinz" 60 mm 'frac, but it looks to be of a better quality than the Tasco specimen in the video. I will agree about the mount, pretty rubbish, but just needs putting on something a bit more stable.

    It got me into serious astronomy and didn't put me off, even with the Huygeniun EPs 

  8. I don't see those dark borders in my Dark frames, but that may be down to the software. I also don't see the bright top to the frame or the bright vertical lines.

    I see from the FITS header that you captured at ambient temperature, what does it look like at the set point, -26 degrees?

    For reference, here is a stack of 300 sec darks from my camera at -25 degrees, captured in maxim with the Moravian driver.


    I make no claim as to the perfection or otherwise of my Dark frame, but the camera was bought new.

  9. This is the result of "polishing a turd"

    Over the "nights" of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th June I captured 18 subs each of RGB with the reconstituted ODK 12 / G3 16200 rig, After fighting the rubbish data for a couple of days I decided to forget about colour and just stack all 54 subs with a Master Dark. After cropping and gradient removal BlurX and NoiseX were applied in PI, then two rounds of Histogram Stretch with a DDP in between in AstroArt 8.

    Saved as a PNG.


    I had to hammer the background down much further than I would like, and it's still horrible. Moral of the story: don't try to image a low surface brightness galaxy under rubbish conditions. the combination of nautical dark, near full moon, and clag raised my normal mid Bortel 3 sky to more like 8-9.

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  10. The longer we go without rain the worse the sky becomes with haze and fine dust. Where I am the sky during the day is a milky blue and at night the combination of nautical dark, full moon and clag raises my normal mid Bortle 3 to more like 8-9.The next rain will leave my car looking like a barn find unless we have a torrential downpour.

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