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Status Updates posted by JamesOfThinking

  1. Heading to the foot of Snowdon for a week on Monday. Hoping for some serious clear skies!

    1. northwalesparry


      yes you should find some I live near there. Please take care if going up Snowdon stay on paths and check weather it maybe nice at the bottom but at the top quite dangerous.

  2. I can't remeber what a clear sky looks like.

    1. emadmoussa


      brace yourself for a week of clear sky starting tomorrow.

  3. Perfect sky to test my new barlow out!

  4. Two nights in a row with the ring nebula. Lovely.

  5. Weather reports are looking ok for tonight. Fingers Crossed.

  6. And the cloud thickens...

  7. Looks like my clear skies marathon will be over night. Time to crack on with some reading and research!

  8. Clear skies! Scopes cooling, tea brewing.

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