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Posts posted by Kinch

  1. No new imaging going on - so once again, playing with old data. This is from June last year: SH2-54 & NGC 6604

    This is borderline over processed - on purpose. My aim was not to just change the colouring of the previous effort but also to make the nebulosity of the area, stand out more in the image. In this I also reduced the visibility of the many many stars in the area. You will either like it or hate it - but perhapss it brings to the fore, an area not imaged very often....I think it has potential as a new target for some to make note of. The new version can be compared to the older one here: https://www.kinchastro.com/sh2-54--ngc-6604.html.....where all the acquisition details are also.

    SH2-54 Sign (1400 x 1050).jpg

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    19 minutes ago, TakMan said:

    I see you've done a reprocess Brendan since I last posted, looks great

    The Leprechauns made me do it! As I said above, looking at yours I just had to go back and try give mine a lift.

    You did such great work on that top one - I think it is fantastic and indeed I still prefer that one of the two. The detail shows through perhaps a little better on that second one....but I just find the top a 'nicer' image to view. probably just down to personal choice I guess.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, cfpendock said:

    I also have a sneaky suspicion that you quite like Taks.

    What gave you that impression 🤣

    When I was starting out into astro-photography I had a Meade 10" SCT (which was just all wrong). I waited months for a second hand FSQ106 to come on the market...in fact I had a second hand Tak mount long before the scope. Once I started using them.... I never had any reason to move away from Tak even though the 130 cost me "an arm and a leg".  

  4. 28 minutes ago, geeklee said:

    Lovely subtle colours coming from the edges and the central star colour too

    Yes - I guess I am happy with the colour....strong enough to get it noticed and yet not too much so. I think it just came together that way, rather than me actively trying for it. My big concern was always the blue star in the middle....once I had that, then I knew I would be satisfied. 🙂

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  5. 1 hour ago, inFINNity Deck said:

    Did you use it at it's native f/5 or with an extender?

    This time I used the scope at native f/5 but the previous time I did this target it was with an extender @ f/8 ( See https://www.kinchastro.com/jones-emberson-1.html) . That earlier one quite possibly may be a 'prettier' picture....but it now looks overdone to me. I like this later one better BUT as I said....it probably could do with more exposure time to improve SNR.

  6. 1 hour ago, MartinB said:

    the first image I saw of this had about 20 hours of exposure but didn't look as smooth and detailed as yours.  

    Thanks Martin. I put a lot of processing time into this.....hopefully it does not look over-processed. I have two monitors here (one being 4k high resolution) and it is hard to find a spot where it looks OK on both.

  7. 17 minutes ago, inFINNity Deck said:

    Which scope did you use?

    Hi Nicolas. I used the FSQ130ED with 5nm filters. It may be that after my last target wich was the most dim one I have ever imaged - I found the signal on JE1 to be reasonably strong. I too had done this target before and (unlike yours) I think perhaps this second one is not as nice looking as my 1st........so if I have time, I might go look see if I can combine the data from the two sessions...🤔. If I get the chance to get more data though I will do that instead ..... this is only 14 hours and I stopped only because no prospect for good weather for quite some time as per forecast. The SNR is this one is not good - so it definitely needs more time.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Horwig said:

    I've spent so long trying different versions

    ...I know exactly what you mean.....sometimes I have so many different versions of an image....I just give up and go back to one of the originals. 🤓

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

    Lovely image Brendan, hope all's well in Spain.

    Thanks Richard - all good here. (No point in me complaining about my weather problems here - nowhere near as bad what some are experiencing in the British Isles just now!)  

  10. This is a target that I have not 'looked at' in some years.....it was recently just in the right palce at the right time....other than having to fight very high humidity to get the Ha & OIII data. (6 hours each Ha & OIII with 2 hours RGB)

    Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Lynx at a distance of 1600 light years. It is a larger planetary with low surface brightness. The 16.8-magnitude central star is a very blue white dwarf.


    Jones Emberson 1 (Sign) 1500x1000 (300DPI).jpg

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