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Everything posted by mapstar

  1. Many thanks Pete I intend to create a new thread as I did with the last build to detail the build process. I have to that end been taking pictures and trying to fit in the details that would be beneficial to others. At present the mirror thread absorbs a lot of my SGL time. I will do it soon, as the last one I did was well received and interested people hopefully enough for some to have a go themselves as was the purpose of detailing the making of a large aperture mirror. I must admit it has been a lot longer than what I thought it would take. Damian
  2. Many thanks for posting Steve and writing about your experiences.The word epic is a good one and saga may be more in keeping with my efforts? Good to know there are others willing to help out there even if it does end up costing a little malt to get there. Cheers Damian
  3. Apologies Ron I didn't answer about the foucault testing. The problems I've been having is I like to take images and it's been difficult to do it with the set up I previously had. I have worked it out that the camera needs to be a distance back from the knife edge to get it to work as advised by RAC and an article on the Web I found. I have taken some images and it seems that the mirror has the classic doughnut of a parabola. I shall try to post some images. Damian
  4. Thanks for the above post and the update on my PM. The Ronchi lines are difficult to read sometimes and working out your next move takes some head scratching? I have an 18" lap although this would need a good press and then a lot of work to get it up to speed. A very detailed post with a lot of great input and maybe John will say the same although I have kept a constant dialogue and until this week everything was going OK It may be some remedial work in the outer zone to bring things back but we shall have to see? I have to admit a full size lap and mirror on top fills me with dread! Fingers crossed. Damian
  5. Afternoon all, I promised an update to the thread this weekend and here is the progress I've been making. Since the last update I've done roughly five hours on the figuring with a tight V through the middle then a W stroke across the whole of the mirror with a 1" overhang to try to smooth out the zone that I seem to have in the outer 3.5"-4" Here's how the mirror looks at offsets through the Ronchi from inside ROC to outside travelling a total of 17.5mm. Each step is 2.5mm I'm not 100% happy with how the surface is changing as it doesn't seem to be following the matched Ronchi images that I have. To this end I have suspended any further work until after Tuesday when I am taking the mirror up for John to cast his eye over. My initial thoughts are that the outer edge's will require work to catch the middle up and blend the zone in. I've not been idling away though and I've spent the majority of the day in the workshop (o.k. Garage!) progressing the rest of the build for the upper tube assembly (UTA) Hopefully Wednesday a plan will be formulated and I can continue. Thanks for reading Damian
  6. Hi all, Just to update on where my thoughts are at present. I have only managed another 4 hours on the mirror due to work this is quite a snails pace. With time ticking by I am going to have to move a little quicker as I really want to be getting back to doing some viewing and hunting down those faint targets this winter instead of staring at a pile of bits! Things are coming along and I will make a decent up date to the thread this weekend when a little bit more time is at hand. Damian
  7. Hi Ron The mirror is quite rightly my main concern although building the other bits is a way of spurring stuff on. I have modified my tester to make it a slitless tester with enough board at the back to mount the camera. I've tried this a couple of times but I think it needs to be on something more stable (mass wise) to hold the image stable. The secondary will be from John so I have no problem there. As for the questions I really don't mind as it shows people are interested Damian
  8. It is and it's a bit of a shock when you see how much of a monster they become.Shame to admit that I enjoy the wood work far more than the glass bit although I'm sure when the mirror is done it will be provide the enjoyment far surpassing if I'd bought it in.
  9. I will be using the matched Ronchi test mainly but will sort the figure XP out to run in conjunction as two sets of testing should be better. Have to sort out my test rig.
  10. Hi all, I've been making steady progress with the mirror, although I have spent more time on the wood work and actually getting out to view lately so been getting up late and then work so progress is slow. Here's how things stand at present the new lap is working nice and feels great to push across the glass. Inside ROC Outside ROC I have a zone to blend in around 50% radius so have had an hour or so blending. I may have to star the lap (cut sections out of the edges as Raymond says above) to give the curves a smoother transition. I am going to have another couple of hours and see how things progress all the while checking against my test images to make sure I'm not going too far. Damian
  11. Not yet Raymond I will see how it goes as I'm just working in the centre section as this is still under corrected with a slight hill. I'm also working on a set up for foucault testing so I can image with the camera I have. Did some initial testing and found the camera needs to be quite far back from the knife edge.
  12. That's some chunk of glass Paul and I have to admit mine has looked to me almost like that at times Although I will admit that it is like buying a new TV. At first they look immense then seem to shrink (I don't mean by grinding and polishing bits off). I made the new lap from a mix of Gugolz 55 and 64 with a little boiled linseed oil in to soften it slightly. The new lap pressed overnight Sunday and then I cut the facets in it and then pressed again over night with approx 5kg on it. Today when I arrived home from work it was time to heat up the lap and do a warm press with some cerium on the mirror to stop it sticking. Here's the lap contact after just one warm press. The lap is face up the mirror face down on top with the mirror back wet just to give a better view. After a couple of presses it looked to be in good contact.To make sure I put the mirror on the polishing table and left it for half an hour with 5kg on, occasionally turning it and making sure it didn't stick while keeping it wet. I then made a start again with the polishing the 5kg remaining on top. I also added a threaded insert just so I could screw a bolt in just to be on the safe side so I could stop the weight accidentally going anywhere. I had half an hour using various strokes (narrow V through the middle to about 80% dia, W strokes varying from 60% up to about 90% dia) Will update with the test images when the mirror has stood to cool. Damian
  13. Yeah it's a while since we chatted and hopefully will do a lot more in November. Fingers crossed everything will go OK from now on and constantly checking and pressing will ensure that. Back to it this aft once I've finished work. Probably more on the wood work too. The lap was pressing overnight and today so by the time I get home it should have formed to the mirror fully and be ready for the channels cutting. Once that's done I will cover it in cerium and do the mirror face down test to check contact and make a start when it's good. Damian
  14. Hiya Derek.I know John uses both dental plaster and also ply laps and doesn't have any problems so both work. The ply is baltic birch and very dense. 2" thick over a 10" disc would be very difficult to flex. I have cast the lap using the method I used last time which was to put the lap face up and put a dam of foil around it and then just pour the pitch in. I have waited for it to cool to warm before putting it face down on the mirror to press with weight. It has grease proof paper between and gap nearly formed to the shape already. By tomorrow it should be ready for use. Damian
  15. Dental plaster is something I've thought about trying but with the ply at hand it's just easier for now. What did you use to stick the squares to the plaster with? I think I read in tex that bees wax or something similar was used? I have some more work planned today as I've said already, but probably not much on the mirror. Damian
  16. Here's the progress over the last few days, I took a check of the lap today after I finished work, and after a test press with the mirror face down on the lap I could see the contact was not that good. The lap is down to about 3mm in places on the edge as the ply wasn't the best and I can see it was slightly warped. After several attempts with warm pressing with the mirror face down and the back wet I decided not to continue using it and make a new one. It just wasn't pressing out in the middle. So I headed to the garage which turned out to be 4 hours as I got into making a new lap base this time out of quality baltic birch. Whilst the new 10" lap was gluing (4x 1/2" thick disc's) I continued with the upper tube assembly build which will hit SGL later. Here are the images I took this afternoon before I started Inside ROC Outside ROC It is a fair way off at present but getting nearer by the day. I should have the new lap completed by tomorrow evening so will resume work probably monday. It will also give me time to look into making a set up where I can get foucault images working with my camera although I am still going down the matched Ronchi route I would like to see how the other methods work too. Here's a peek at the upper tube assembly ply as I made a start More soon Damian
  17. Evening Mirror watchers Over the last few days I've made another couple of hours progress and things are looking smoother. More work tomorrow and I will update with some ronchi images of how the mirror stands. The 10" lap I'm using is beginning to get a little thin with all the pressing so I shall make a new lap too. Thinking the temperatures were going to be a little warmer for this time of year I had picked up some gugolz 64 pitch from John to make a new lap. The temperatures don't look to be materialising so I shall have to test the hardness before use and soften it if need be. I've also made a good start on the shell build which will have to progress a little quicker to catch up with the mirror. Damian
  18. Guys at present I use a micrometer stage with 25mm of travel. I posted this a while ago it is smooth and works well so I will utilise this in any future development of a tester.
  19. There is a multitude of Foucault testers all over the net and as Ron says they don't need to be complicated. Thanks for the suggestions guys I'm going to work on what I have at present for now but will build something to make further tests.I have not made any progress today as I have been concentrating on getting the other bits that I need together. I'm really hoping to get back on with it tomorrow though Damian
  20. Thanks for posting that Raymond. I will have a good look through it.
  21. Thanks. I'll try my best to keep up with adding updates
  22. I hope so Ron, slowly slowly does it. I have generated the images I need and hopefully I can match them to those.Need to suss out the pesky Foucault test though Damian
  23. I have done a further half an hour today, I've mainly been working on the centre out to about 60% and trying to blend the hill into the outer zone for a smoother curve. Here are the images Inside ROC Outside ROC I will agree with AJohn that the foucault test is very sensitive to alignment along the optical axis. This I'm going to have to work on probably by adding some jacking screws on the test stand to tilt the mirror so that the plane of the mirror is vertical Hopefully more work tomorrow Damian
  24. I was doing something similar last time I took some foucault pics. I would be interested to see your testing set up Raymond if you could post a pic And the way you managed to take your pics Thanks
  25. Hi Ron I use the Ronchi as I really struggle with the Foucault to take a photographic image. Seems everything I do with it just doesn't seem to work? I have managed another hour today which is a bit disappointing as I wanted to do more. Back to work tomorrow but I will get some time in probably an hour or so? Damian
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