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Nicola Fletcher

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Posts posted by Nicola Fletcher

  1. Funny you should ask - I’ve just been watching an Ed Ting video on this topic: 


    He recommends an 8” dob which I’m sure is a great piece of advice. My first telescope was a 127 Maksutov (the Celestron 127SLT) and I absolutely loved it. I had it as my only scope for I think about 7 years. Super portable and fun to use as well as being very light which made me more inclined to use it on cold winter nights!

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  2. 3 hours ago, Hans Joakim said:

    In this (very nice) Japanese video, it is suggested that the short drawtube travel is to ensure rigidity of the focus and avoid bending of the drawtube when attaching heavy cameras: https://youtu.be/fv0ewiHee8U?t=540

    The link starts the video at the relevant point, but the whole thing is a very nice to watch. There's also an excellent video on the 100DF: https://youtu.be/xl1V7Ii2bsU (now with both Japanese and English audio - very impressive!).

    I found a 40 mm extension tube to be helpful for achieving focus when using the Baader 2" BBHS prism in my DF (top scope in photo, with M68 extension tube):


    Thank you, and also thanks for the video links!

    I’ve ordered the extension tube as @John suggested. FLO were concerned about raising up the EP with the parfocal rings so I’ll start with the extension and see how I get on. I’ll report back.

    Thank you again for all your help 😊

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  3. 47 minutes ago, UKDiver said:

    I have the impression that Takahashi have designed a coherent system. If you wish to use something outside of that system, why should they take account of all the possible combinations?

    I do use other kit on mine. My choice and I must bear the consequences with adapters and hassle.

    I don't know if I am right, but I always think Taks are designed for straight through viewing first off, and they do provide instructions on how to use other setups via the system charts. 

    If I were just to follow the system chart, I should use the part labelled 71S as they show on the chart - but it's not readily available and is more expensive than the other solutions. I'm going to try some of the clever solutions proposed by SGLers on here with FLO's advice also. Hopefully I will find a solution and I will post my findings here when I figure it out! 

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  4. Maybe the 41 Pan won’t work out for me. I’ll get the 35mm extender you suggested @John and see if that works.

    The 1.25 inch Tak diagonal not letting me focus is a surprise though - I didn’t expect to have any problems with it. It is definitely not correct - I can’t focus on Vega either. I wonder if the 35mm extender will allow me to focus the 1.25 setup as well? @JeremyS, do you remember if you bought part 14 separately as it doesn’t come with the DZ?

  5. Thanks all - I tried the 71L and it’s too long - I can’t quite focus. However, I’ve also tried 71L with all the extenders that came with the scope and none of my 1.25 EPs (I tried a 24 Panoptic, 9mm Nagler and 18mm BST) focus with a 1.25 Tak prism diagonal either - there isn’t enough inward travel on the focuser. Removing the 71L extender doesn’t work either. Do I need 71S or a 35mm extender to use this with a 1.25” setup as well?


  6. Hi all,

    I’m looking for a bit of help - I bought a 2” Baader BBHS mirror diagonal for a Takahashi FC100DZ and I can - almost - focus with a 41mm Panoptic and a Baader 8-24mm Mk IV zoom. These are the only 2” EPs I have. If I pull the nosepiece out of the focuser a bit it does focus both EPs (photo below), so I think I need a short extender. Has anyone used this diagonal with this scope and if so, could you offer any advice?

    The System Chart doesn’t show any particular extender with 2” diagonals and FLO weren’t sure if I would be able to focus but they did point out that 2” EPs reach focus with the DL: http://www.scopeviews.co.uk/TakFC-100DL.htm. I’d hate to have to return this so any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance! 




  7. 23 minutes ago, johnturley said:

    Looks like you've got it mounted on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ5, which should be more than adequate.

    I hope so - the AZ-EQ5 is a great mount and I think it should be able for the scope with a big EP. I was more worried about overloading the Tak focuser. The Scopeviews review for this scope says you can get slop with the use of heavy CCDs or binoviewers. I don’t think the 41 Pan will be as heavy as that though (1.4kg for both diagonal and EP 😬)

    • Like 3
  8. My new FC100DZ, set up but no stars to be seen yet. I can’t wait to get it out for first light. I was so tempted to get the TSA120 instead but went with the DZ to get a bit of extra aperture but keep the portability that I like from the FC76. 

    In a fit of frustration at the clouds, last night I ordered the Baader 2” BBHS mirror diagonal and the 41mm Panoptic for some widefield views if the weather ever improves. I’m a bit apprehensive about the size of the gigantic Panoptic but the 24mm is so much fun in the FC76, I thought the big brother in the DZ could be great. Let’s see if my mad plan works out!



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  9. I love photos of people’s bookshelves- thanks for starting this thread!

    Although I recently moved house and not all of my Astro books have bookshelf space yet, these are my favourites and the ones I read a lot. The black folder contains the paperwork that came with my Astro gear and the certificates from my Takahashis which are treasures in themselves.

    Apart from TLAO and the S&T Pocket Atlas, the ones I would grab if the house went on fire are Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings, Starlight Nights (probably my favourite book on any subject) and Leslie Peltier’s Guide to the Stars. The latter is a complete joy to read with beautiful illustrations by the author. 






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  10. 13 hours ago, JeremyS said:

    And with the finder in place, Gary?

    I do love Oklop bags

    I’ve just bought the 120/900 Oklop bag for my new FC100DZ: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescope-bags-cases-storage/oklop-padded-bag-for-120mm-900mm-apo-refractors.html.

    I keep my 102 Starwave in the 120/600 bag and I like the extra room for the finder that it gives me. Hopefully it will work well for the Tak.

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