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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. That should be fine. It's a clone I think but looks ok.
  2. Yes, you're right - I misread it. Sorry about that.
  3. Hi, I'm not spending any more time on the focuser at the moment as I have too many other projects that take up my time. I wanted to put it in the public domain so others could use it as a basis for their own projects. Maybe when I retire (over 2 yrs away) I might pick it up again. I have also put off any astronomy activity until then for the same reason. Sorry. Can anyone else using sg-pro offer any suggestions?
  4. Thanks. I dont intend to develop AAF2 any further at the moment but everyone is free to use the code as the basis of their own projects.
  5. The sketch does half-steps too as it alternatively energises both coils in between the single coils. If you look at the sketch there is an array of values you should be able to see how it works. Plus I have it geared down further by the belt & pulleys I use. The main thing is this is not a completed design and I like the idea of people experimenting with it and and adapting it for their own needs. Post some pics when you have it working
  6. The MOTOR_STEPS_PER_DRIVER_STEP value is how many 1/2 steps the motor takes for each step (Position property) from the Ascom driver. I originally had the motor cycle through all combinations of the motor pins to simplify the programming which gave multiple motor steps per driver step. I realised this could be made finer by just making it step once per driver step so I changed the sketch to accommodate that. The MOTOR_STEPS_PER_DRIVER_STEP value is set to 8 by default to mimic the original behaviour but it can be changed to whatever suits you. Remember - the motor always does 1/2 - steps but they are always the same size. I think some of the steppers on ebay like the one I used have internal gearing from 64 to 512 steps per revolution - check the datasheets carefully. Hope that helps.
  7. Nice mounting method - I might try that myself. I think someone else who built one used the easy stepper board but I can't remember who. You need to amend clockwise() and anticlockwise() functions to drive the direction and step pins if I remember correctly. I'll have a search to see if I can find it.
  8. I'm,afraid not. The AAF2 project was my first foray into ASCOM.
  9. Sorry Helmar I haven't had time so far. It's been a busy few weeks and I only get chance to do anything for the project occasionally. I'll take a look as soon as I can. If you put V2.3 back does it work ok? One thing you could test is just put the V2.3 sketch on the Arduino but leave the V2.4 driver and applications installed. It should be ok as the changes to the sketch are purely internal.I wonder if there are any differences with the Uno as most people use a Nano for size. Is anyone else using a Uno with V2.4.0
  10. I suspect that may be the issue. You seem to be having issues that no-one else is experiencing.
  11. I like that - good job. Similar to my Mark1 focuser but I didn't have the lcd or temperature.
  12. If you follow the instructions here http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries to install the 2 libraries (zip files) in my V2.4.0 folder you are halfway there. The section you need is "Importing a .zip Library". Then you just need to recompile the arduino sketch & upload it. Hope it's clearer now.
  13. There are full instruction in the wiki section of the sourceforge site.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I dont have SG-Pro so it would be difficult for me to test. I'll have a more detailed look at the trace files. Which version were you using previously with SG-Pro?
  15. You need the quotes because there is a space between 'Program Files' and '(x86)' Single quotes dont work - must be double quotes No chevron - this part of the command prompt regasm "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser\ASCOM.AAF2.Focuser.dll" should work
  16. You need quotes round the entire path/program as it contains spaces.
  17. Thanks. That shows the registration works correctly now.
  18. See post 658 for example but make sure you put the full path and dll on YOUR system between the quotes. Also ensure you are registering the latest dll not one left over from previous install.
  19. Sorry, yes you do. I am struggling to read phone screen.
  20. You need to give regasm the location of the driver. See my last post last night. Sorry Im on my phone as sgl is blocked from work :shock:
  21. Thanks Gina. No thats all I needed. Did you ever install a previous version on that laptop?
  22. Thats perfect Mick. Thanks for testing.
  23. Thanks for your kind words. Have you upgraded from a much earlier version i.e pre 2.2 There were lots of changes in 2.2 as the temperature measurement was added which puts a bit more strain on the nano.
  24. I think you need to be in this directory first C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 then run regasm "Driver Location" on my test machine the ASCOM.AAF2.Focuser.dll file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser so I would run regasm "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASCOM\AAF2.Focuser" Hope that helps. Off to bed now - work tomorrow
  25. You will need to uninstall the previous version either using the installer for that version (right-click & select uninstall) or use the Uninstall Program facility in the Windows Control Panel. Thanks
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