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Twisted Lip

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Status Replies posted by Twisted Lip

  1. Argh, it's cold out there. Been doing some Jupiter captures for an hour, had to come in to warm up a bit. How do visual folk survive?!

  2. We've ordered a second Quark from SCS Astro. We sort of have his and her solar setups and this will complete the switch from a pair of SolarMax 60's. The Quark just has such an edge in a bigger scope, and for grab and go, the Quark and Tele Vue 60 is a neat little combo.

    1. Twisted Lip

      Twisted Lip

      I definitely agree, I find it handy to just grab and get full disks. However for close ups, particularly mega detail close-ups the Quark I think is unparalleled at the mo :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. We've ordered a second Quark from SCS Astro. We sort of have his and her solar setups and this will complete the switch from a pair of SolarMax 60's. The Quark just has such an edge in a bigger scope, and for grab and go, the Quark and Tele Vue 60 is a neat little combo.

    1. Twisted Lip

      Twisted Lip

      Keeping an eye on your images, they've been fantastic with the Quark! I'm still with the SolarMax and I don't think I can compete!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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