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Posts posted by simmo39

  1. 56 minutes ago, Hals said:

    Very nice. A cosmic snowball 👍


    48 minutes ago, Paul M said:

    A very worthwhile outing, I'd say.

    It's also good to see wide shots of globs, particularly of fine specimens like M3. And it's come out just fine in the crop.

    Nicely Done!


    16 minutes ago, Elp said:

    Open clusters also work well as you don't have to spend long imaging the stars only.


    8 minutes ago, Vic L S said:

    Nice. I've seen this when I took a short sub through my guidescope when I was fooling around and fine tuning things one night, but it is on the top of my list of targets I want to image properly soon. 


    29 minutes ago, Jeff-Colorado said:

    Great image of M3. Reminds me of the awe I felt the first time I saw it in dark skies with my 8SE.

    Thank you all for the kind words, Hopefully Ill have a full tank of mojo soon!

    • Like 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Roy Foreman said:

    The persistent cloudy weather has certainly knocked my mojo for six.  Well done for getting off your backside and having a go, and getting a decent result for your efforts !

    If we ever get a clear night again I must force myself to do the same !


    I think this could be the last pic for this season, all though I had a play staying up late is getting harder. Lol

    • Like 1
  3. Although we have a couple of clear nights here I have not had the energy to do anything. My mojo was empty, so last night I forced myself off my backside and went out for a quick target to see if I could get it back. This is not the best of pics but atleast I got ou and had a play! M3 taken with my Askar 400. 114 x 30s subs stired up with PI.


    And a crop.


    C and C Welcome

    Thanks for looking.

    • Like 11
  4. 53 minutes ago, gorann said:

    Your promising image reminded me that I should reprocess my image of this object from two years ago using the new XT tools. It was 12 hours of RASA 8 data using the IDAS NBZ filter on an ASI2600MC. This is a great NB object, so I suggest that you put your L-extreme filter on next time to get to all that Oiii and Ha. As you see, there is also a lot of Ha in the neighborhood if you go deep enough, so adding subs pay off.

    Cheers & CS, Göran

    20220124-25 Sh2-274 RASA1+2 NyPS12smallSign.jpg

    Thanks Goran, That is a great image. I will give it a try but I think I will have to wait till next season.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    Super project. Your background sky is looking decidedly brown on my monitor so a background calibration might be in order.


    Thanks Olly, depending on what pooter Im using at the time I do get a little variation in colour. One seems to give me more green and although on the one Im using at the moment the colour looks ok to me Im sure if I look at it on my main pooter it will look brown as you say. Ill have a play later and see if I can sort it.

  6. 9 minutes ago, juno16 said:

    This is a great start on this beautiful target.

    My apologies, but I haven’t been here in quite a while and was curious about what equipment you used.

    My weather has been poor and this was my last target from my B6-7 backyard and I only selected it to try to test new guiding parameters. Never had noticed this target before and wow, it is beautiful!

    I was lucky enough to catch almost 7 hours over two evenings and can’t wait until next season to catch more data.

    I believe that you will see a significant increase in detail with more time on target. 
    This nebula is very dim and very stubborn to give up details. 

    Best of success!

    My attempt so far.



    Hi, that is a fine image of the target. gives me something to aim for. I used my Askar 400 with its FR and my ASI2600 c with no filter fitted. I was going to put my Optolong extreme filter in but I was being a bit lazy and went for it in just RGB.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, MartinB said:

    It's a nicely processed clean image.  You will probably need a few hours more to reveal the faint outer nebulosity

    Thank you,  I hope to get more but I think that will be next season as its getting close to next doors house. I just hope we get better weather then too!

  8. With another clearish night and with Ollys pointers ringing in my ears I got another 100 subs to add to the other data I had. Still needs a lot more to get the best out of this target but I think the image is going in the right direction. ( No not the bin! lol ). So here it is 200 x 60s subs.


    C and C welcome.

    Thanks for looking again.

  9. 24 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    An attractive nebula, nicely done.

    Things I might look at would be 1) noise - StarXterminator is so effective. 2) Colour noise in the background sky. It's quite 'colour busy' and just selecting the background and reducing saturation might make a difference.


    Thanks Olly for the pointers, its all a bit rough and ready as an image and needs a lot more time on target. It was just out  of desperation that I went for the target at all. Would you belive its a clear night here again tonight but I have work in the morning so no play time. I will have ago at reproccessing the image as my old school reports used to say....Must try harder! ...

    • Like 1
  10. Well with a rare Clear night apart from the moon! I had to have ago at something so after a quick search for anything but a gallaxy! ( Not a fan of doing them ) so I found this target The Medusa Nebula. I know its small but didnt relise how faint it was . This is 109 x 60s subs, could do with a lot more time than that but with the weather the way it is I dont think that is going to happen.


    C and C welcome

    Thanks for looking.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Bluemoonjim said:

    I feel your pain. I have been trying to image the Squid and in just over 2 months have managed 26hours of data. I can now just about make out the outline but I reckon on needing at least another 20-30 hrs before I can say I’ve got it. Target is now dropping lower in the sky each evening so even if the weather should miraculously start to  cooperate it’s going to be awhile before I can compItslete the project. AP is a frustrating business here in the UK for sure

    Its like juggling jelly ! why do we do it?

  12. Hi all, with the poor weather I can only seem to get bits of data to add to old images. Here is the Witch head with data taken in 2022 and some extra taken this week in the small window of clear weather we had here. Could still do with loads more time on it but I cant see that happening anytime soon.


    C and C welcome.

    Thanks for looking.

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