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neil phillips

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Posts posted by neil phillips

  1. 14 hours ago, Lockie said:


    It's a tough one, I mean I'm sure both the 642 and 742 give good results. Looking at the QE graph, the 462mc seems to peak around 830nm so it should still be very sensitive with the 642. 

    Hmm? I may have to buy both and do some testing.   

    On the mono 290. I was getting great results with a Altair planet killer IR pass. (Clavius pbase) contrary to my previous statement. was 685nm Better resolution than 850 nm. which obviously is better for progressively worse UK seeing.  Not sure i am reading your comments correctly. But are you suggesting using 642 nm with the 462 c camera ?

  2. 27 minutes ago, Don Pensack said:

    Alcohol is fine, but it isn't as good a solvent for some organic debris as something else.

    I prefer a commercial cleaning fluid called ROR.

    Its ingredients include alcohol, ammonia, soap, salt, and distilled water.  It's used in the phot industry to clean lenses before they are assembled into camera lenses.

    It's the best cleaner I've found for removal of eyelash oil, mascara, and other similar crud.

    Not surprising, since ROR stand for residual oil remover.

    Alcohol is fine, as in undiluted ?

    Not heard of ROR cleaner


  3. Thanks guys. Hope there is someone starting out, that doesnt have the best equipment. Or doesnt have a big budget to do lunar imaging. Can see whats possible with very modest equipment. Hope it inspires them to try themselves. Its really been therapeutic. Having to sheild for so long. Something positive to focus on. That ive always loved. 

    But now going full circle and starting again weirdly. I believe the struggling will pay dividends when i get my Orion 10" running again with a mono cam

    Found my love for astronomy and lunar imaging again i think. Its been a wonderful feeling. Have loved sharing that with Everyone on SGL 


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  4. Obviously i need a mono camera. But boy does this little old scope deliver. Persistently avoided increasing focal length. Because capturing by pushing the EQ2 around by hand ( no handset ) And the economy RA drive has way too much drift.  But clearly those problems aside, the little scope is surprising. One wonders what it could do on a decent mount and drive. As i am also limited on the amount of frames i can capture because of the extreme motor drift. Hoping to get a bigger mount relatively soon

    But prime focus for the mosaic. And a 2x Celestron Omni Barlow. Drizzle 1.5 Autostakkert for the closer shots

    24 th march.tif png.png




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  5. 1 hour ago, WestCoastCannuck said:

    You have me pegged pretty well Neil as to my style and struggles!  LOL.  I am a life long amateur photographer and the aesthetics of my moon shots is very important to me.  I love the tonal contrasts and depth of things as well as details.   Your wanting a Mono camera again after seeing my work is highest praise..  Thanks so much!   Yes, this night's work was tough for me given how I like to process...  the file just did not have what it takes for the look I really want.  I DID push it further - several times....  and it just did not look right to me.  In the end I satisfied myself with what I posted.  Still good, but not quite what I wanted.   Perhaps I should share other processings occasionally...   here is the "Details over Aesthetics" version done in completely different software.  I expect some might prefer it.   😄




    Clear skies!  And thanks again for your wonderful analysis!






    Looks good untill i open it up. Somewhere in between might have worked better perhaps Bit too pushed. But you can see the hidden detail i am referring too. One extreme to the other there Mike. I kind of meant fine tuning more. But it does show the fine detail lurking. Prefer the softer version

  6. Hi Mike first proper light congrats, Some lovely detail, tones and textures there. Bet your eager for that good seeing. Your making me pine for a mono camera again

    As usual like velvet. Everyone has there own style. i tend to push a little more, trying to extract the cutoff point between as much detail, as can be extracted while still looking reasonably natural. It can sometimes backfire, A tendency to go a little too far. When it works the images can take on a dry sandy texture or tone. Down to pin pricks as per the 12" Clavius that i got with the 290m. Your style can have the opposite problem, instead of over doing it. Its easy to under do it. Your style works best under the good seeing we crave.

    Both styles have merits and drawbacks of course. Supremely natural. Aesthetically nicer. Is your strength. Your effect on my perception of these things is very strong. As i keep saying. Since i have been watching your work. Ive been craving a mono cam again. Thanks for teasing my eye. And i dont say that to guys often. lol

  7. Cheers Andy not having a handset, having to push the EQ2 around for each mosaic pane isnt fun. But in a weird sort of way, going back to basics has been very fulfilling 

    Hoping to get a EQ5 in a few weeks. The return of jupiter to us all in the summer is a milestone. Admittedly low to start with

  8. Seeing was a bit shakey tonight. But at this resolution it just doesnt matter as very sharp images can still be got

    Celestron powerseeker 114 F8 Newtonian SWEQ2 Mount single economy RA Drive QHY462C Camera

    I miss hi res cant wait to try my bigger scopes real soon, One upgraded. One new. The grey Newtonian on the left is the powerseeker. My 10" Orion with cap held together with tape belies what i have done to it inside recently

    24 MARCH.png

    DSC00776 (2).jpg

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