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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. Just to further mix it up, there is always this from StellaMira. StellaMira 66mm ED f/6 Refractor Telescope | First Light Optics It's a little over budget but it's lightweight and has ED glass for improved views. It also appears to be very well built and offers up that little extra aperture at 66mm. I think it would also make a great little imaging scope but that's a different money pit altogether.
  2. It's a lovely image, wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with the stars had you not mentioned it.
  3. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/evolux/sky-watcher-evolux-62ed-ota.html Could do worse than one of these at a reasonable cost and with ed glass and high quality build should serve you well.
  4. I think I will, only hope it is sideways compatible with Gimp. Seems there are a lot of apps which are although they don't state as such, cheers steve
  5. Is it a simple programme to use Peter? I should have also said I am not brilliant on tech, although probably above average. cheers steve
  6. Further to previous reply I did try running the image through starnett and it worked fine! However, it is a reinstall so maybe the previous version had a glitch in it or perhaps other images I tried were just not compatible with it. Whatever it was, the programme has worked so will reserve it's functionality for suitable data. (I am still quite pleased with my results without using it.) cheers steve
  7. I do have starnett++ but have found it left artefacts behind on images after star removal. However I have tried it on the andromeda image, worth a try for playing around with. cheers steve
  8. Hello mate and thanks for the reply. I will give you a quick run down of the process I used. I am not saying this is the right process, just that it worked for me with the above image. I would just play around with the strength of the application and see what works with you. Pyastro – layer tools, scale brightness of all layers Gimp - Colours - saturation Gimp - Colors – levels – increase darkness G’mic repair – smooth mean curvature to reduce stars G’mic repair - smooth median Pyastro – sharpen – smart sharpen G’mic – repair – smooth wavelets Pyastro – sharpen – high pass filter I know thgis is 8 and not 7, I forgot to take account of the levels/darkness in gimp which I assumed was a given. I may have also used "Gimp - colours – exposure - black level" but not sure if I did or not. Anyway, I feel I have only scratched the surface with G'mic but I am getting to grips with pyastro. Both are great tools. cheers steve
  9. Thanks @vlaiv for the G'MIC heads up, it is a super programme and there is so much more than wavelets as I am sure you already know. One of them is a super star reduction tool and I am guessing there will be many more to find out about, thanks again, it's a great help. Steve
  10. Hello everyone. Below are a rough and a more polished version of Andromeda. I had been looking for a filter programme to run alongside Gimp and @vlaiv pointed me in the direction of G'MIC, can't thank him enough for that, it's a cracking programme. I ran the "more polished" version through a range of 7 different image alterations to get here using Gimp, Py-astro and G'MIC. (Have to say it is so much easier have all the add ons under one base programme) Anyway I would appreciate any feedback on the two efforts.
  11. the installation guide is here G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing - Installing the G'MIC-Qt Plug-in For 8bf Hosts (gmic.eu) Any idea which guide I should follow, there is a general one and one for photoshop plus two others!
  12. thanks vlaiv, I wasn't aware of this plugin. I shall give it a go and see what the results are like. Much appreciated.
  13. Ok so I too have CT as you do but I control mine very well with Naproxen. Not sure if it is licenced over in the states but it worked wonders for me and saved me a very painful procedure. Only problem is it's going to be a lifetime subscription. I do have some 10x30 IS canons. I am given to believe these are as good as 10x50 standard bins in finding objects due to their stabilising properties. I do like using them on day trips out, holidays and such like, used for both daytime and night time viewing. Being light they are easy to get along with but I do run with short sessions so not sure about the carpel issues. I also own a pair of TS optics 82mm (45 degree) Giant bins and these are mounted on a tripod held parallelogram. The viewing range of these is x15 to x59 and they are amazing to use with the parallelogram. The versatility of it is hard to overstate, cruising around the nightsky is a pleasure but key to you (and me) is there is no real pressure onto the median nerve as your hands are not permanently engaged. Pretty much similar to using a dob. Finally I do also own a pair of 20x60 bins and have used these terrestrially on a tripod pistol grip mount. Never used them in the night time but I imagine they would work fine. However, your likely to be gripping more to control your bins and more likely to compress your median nerve. Hope this helps. Steve
  14. Bit late too the party here, the maximum was already upon us by the time I got to the eyepiece. Anyway, usually pretty naff at grabbing phone/ep pictures but this isn't half bad. Spoilt only by the vapour trail drifting through the fov. Time was 10.40am
  15. you spotted my hidden error then 😂
  16. Ok so as the title says, it isn't my data, I received it from an observatory already pre-processed. However on running it through Gimp I found there was a little more that could be tweaked out of the detail at the expense of slightly brighter spiking on the right of centre (SAO 101900) and upper right hand stars (SAO 101890) Anyway, too nice an image not to share.
  17. Added more data to this but really struggled with the red in it. It is in an area of a lot of hydrogen so one does wonder when you have done enough. Also should have done more with the star reduction but generally happier with the structure detail in the actual nebula itself.
  18. Hello all. I am looking for a stand alone noise reduction software programme. Needs to run on windows and as I don't have any premium software to bolt it onto, stand alone would be best. This said, I am open to suggestions as long as it doesn't become cost prohibitive. I am thinking maybe up to £125.00 with a little leeway depending on what's on offer. One with a trial period would also be highly desirable. TIA for any suggestions. Steve
  19. The piece that might be missing is the eyepiece adaptor/holder, there only appears to be the focuser drawtube without said adaptor.
  20. I know I am repeating myself here but in different areas of forum, sorry. I managed to re-create the error and all evidence points towards the memory stick. I could 100% confirm it but the effort needed to do that goes beyond what is necessary I think. I have a new, one-piece moulded memory stick (looks quality) for data storage that will be used from now on and will not be removed. Instead, data will be transferred via WI-FI. I did this earlier with 96 files taken tonight which transferred perfectly via this method. (long time though, so make allowances) In summary, I hope this error was mostly mainly my own judgement and not my expensive equipment.
  21. We are in the civilised ribble valley now old chap, what what! 😉
  22. which camp site is it please, might be a better bet with my big bins rather than the dob, much easier setting up and using. what about your 127 mak, thats easy enough to carry around?
  23. Well if my reports are only fit for your ablutions, I don't know if I care to answer that 😉 Yes definitely worth it. The deeper north you can get, the better. Try and organise your viewing anywhere other than due south if you can as this is worst LP area although that said, it is still liveable with. Great views into the Zenith which I know is the hardest work but worth it for the darkness. If you do decide to go and I am free, I will come up and keep you company for one night 👍
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