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Posts posted by Merlin66

  1. I must be one of the lucky ones.......

    I've used the HEQ5 as my portable mount for over ten years, I primarily do spectroscopy and solar imaging. No issues, no drama, no rebuilds, no grease....... Usually with various ED80 scopes. Did have a C9.25 on it for a while - worked well.

    I also have a "standard" NEQ6pro in the observatory handing a +/-17 Kg load - C11 plus four cameras, spectrograph etc etc using EQMod. Never felt the need to do anything with it other than use it!


    • Like 1
  2. I use a C11 on a NEQ6pro....

    I removed the factory saddle and replaced it with a dual Geopik saddle.

    I "upgraded" to a wider Losmandy dovetail, fitted a safety stop bar and run with the C11 OTA VERY far forward. Had to add a few extra weights to the front of the dovetail to get "best" balance.

    You can see the new saddle (orange) and the safety bar in the image)

    Mainsail Obs 002s.jpg

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  3. Double stacking etalons reduces the bandwidth - two 0.7A etalons will give around 0.4 - 0.5A bandwidth. This configuration also significantly reduces the light throughput, giving darker images.

    The benefit of the DS is certainly the improved Ha contrast when viewing surface features. For proms, due to their movements a wider bandwidth is usually much better, up to 2A.

    I use a SM60 DS on my ED80 - great for surface, but revert to SS for the proms.


  4. Sophie,

    First question to ask....is the front objective lens of the PST a “blue” colour or does it look “golden brown”

    If it’s not blue then it’s an older version which has NO ITF filter in the eyepiece holder.


  5. I have both the 1.25” ES and Meade x3 extenders, they are identical. Look like they came out the same factory inChina.

    I use the x2.5 PM, with the T thread adaptor regularly for solar imaging with the ASI 1600. 

    The tele-extenders are pretty good, but I do prefer the Powermate.


  6. I use EQMod (V2.0.0) all the time with CdC (V4.2).

    I can Park to Home (pointing towards the Pole) or Custom park (to clear the observatory roof) and Unpark every time - no issues.

    Dino, what version of EQMod are you using? Is it only the park/ unpark function which is an issue?

    When you are parked (button showing "UNPARK") do you see the mount position screen flashing "PARKED"?

    Double check the unpark settings.....


    EQMod park screen.JPG

    EQMod park screen02.JPG

  7. Based on my 50 years experience as a professional mechanical engineer, you don’t need to “pack” bearings with grease. With astronomy gear we are talking about low speed, relatively low loads compared with critical heavy duty industrial applications.

    No need to over grease.

  8. Louise,

    I think you're trying to do much at the same time.....

    Forget the spectrograph (for the moment)

    Set up mount, PA, PHD etc using your eFinder...... chose a bright star - Aldebaran? 

    When you can guide on the star, then move to the next issue.

    Set up to keep guiding on the bright star in the eFinder and then add the spectrograph to the mix. Don't worry about guiding on the slit ....just get the bright star to show in the slit plate - the eFinder should be enough to hold it there....

    Nudge the star (using the PHD arrows?) onto the slit gap - no slit guiding at this point - see if the star continue to sit on the slit under eFinder guiding..... it should be pretty close.

    When you get to this stage you have two options

    1. rely on the eFinder guiding to hold the star on the slit and take a spectral image....

    2. transfer guiding to the slit guider, calibrate a second version of PHD2 (I open a new PHD and call it "slit" - I then end up with two PHD options - eFinder or Slit) this should then hold the star on the virtual slit gap.

    Take a 5 - 10 sec spectral exposure to check on the height of the spectral band - the tighter the band the better you have achieved focusing of the scope onto the slit gap.

    Softly, softly........



  9. The current V5 Synscan handcontroller should be a direct "plug and play" replacement. Not sure what you mean by ""Synscan base unit" - I see you have an EQ5, so maybe you refer to the added motors and the control board?

    All the added Synscan features may not be available to you, depends on the motor control board version and firmware.

    I'm still using V3.27 on my HEQ5 and NEQ6pro mounts. Works for me.



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