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Status Replies posted by moogoomonkey

  1. 3x ED barlow for £15 is a bargain...

  2. Oh yay, I can add a signature to my posts now *simple things please simple minds*

    1. moogoomonkey


      The first step to a long career at SGL! Welcome along :D

  3. Some clear skies would be nice please...

    1. moogoomonkey


      Yes! Looking good so far, I've forgotten what a blue sky looks like now...

  4. has any one actually seeen the reflectors left on the moon from the appolo mission? through your telescopes?

    1. moogoomonkey


      I don't think ANY telescope can resolve the reflectors... I'm not sure how big they are but I'm guessing since they were taken down in a very tight for space lunar lander they can't be more than 1mx1m. WE can barely resolve 1km on the moon :P

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. When people think you're an astrologer... :|

    1. moogoomonkey


      How's tomorrow looking for me? I'm that fish in the sky...

  6. Just ordered a new eyepiece from earth titan :D Can't wait to for it to arrive!

    1. moogoomonkey


      Meade 5000 32mm (2") Plossl, my first EP (that didn' come with the scope) :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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