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Josh Wilson

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Status Updates posted by Josh Wilson

  1. Hey guys! You might've noticed I haven't posted in a while but I just decided to drop by and let you know that everything has been going fine. I haven't been posting because I am focusing on well.... life. Life and school. Trying to finish up Sophomore year as best I can and felt that some things were getting in the way. I still do astronomy, just not as much because I have been working my butt off during the weekdays and don't go out during the weekdays. Hope all is well...

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      The stars will still be there when life gets out of the way Josh.

  2. Weather forecasts... when are they gonna realize they're wrong 80% of the time?

    1. Ganymede12


      When it is sunny 80% of the time.

    2. Josh Wilson

      Josh Wilson

      yeah...lol. they predicted rain and cold weather for 2 days and I had perfect weather instead...

    3. Ganymede12


      I've had it the other way around here! Thursday was meant to be clear according to the forecast but instead it was heavy rain!

  3. My pool and observing chair froze over last night. It's also colder than london here ar 24* degrees Fahrenheit (-4 celsuis)!

  4. when you're still browsing sgl at midnight...

    1. Tim


      ....then you still have hours to go..... :)

  5. when you're still browsing sgl at midnight...

  6. when you're still browsing sgl at midnight...

  7. When people think you're an astrologer... :|

    1. moogoomonkey


      How's tomorrow looking for me? I'm that fish in the sky...

  8. Solar Maximum is coming!!!!

  9. the ring nebula is the smallest messier actually, m76 is the 7th smallest.

  10. M76 (the little dumbbell nebula) has got to be the absolute smallest messier object ever...

  11. I got a Celestron 2x barlow, Solar system color imager IV, some socks and un pull for christmas. Merry Christmas al!!!

    1. Qualia


      I've got the LX barlow and really like the little shorty.

  12. Getting ready to watch the transit of Venus!!! From Saturn.

  13. Off to take finals today! Wish me luck!!!

    1. Mr Q

      Mr Q

      Good luck, Josh. Hope you did well!

    2. Capricorn


      What finals are done in December ?

    3. Qualia


      Good luck, Josh. What exams you doing?

  14. Anyone watching Space Jump Live?

  15. Ordered my Orion XT8 yesterday along with a case an 13% Moon Filter. Should arrive by Friday or at the very latest Sunday!!! Hope it doesn't rain on the first night like with my ETX!

  16. Put my ETX on ebay last week and it sold for 305$. Been waiting for the payment until yesterday. Then it needed 24 hours to be approved. Gonna order my new XT8 asap!!!!

    1. Mike73


      I'm sure it will be worth the wait. :)

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