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Steve Ward

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Everything posted by Steve Ward

  1. Just managed to grab a few through the very thick grey blanket before it disappeared from view completely , very flat offering but there's only so much you can do ... 😆
  2. A bit of a wait for the clouds to disperse , but well worth waiting ... And the SDO/HMI Continuum for comparison.
  3. Thanks for the offer , the frames from the video aren't really good enough to warrant too much messing with to be honest. I have another opportunity on Friday morning by which time I should have a Class 3 card installed so can catch in 4k , and it's a 1.3 second transit so more frames. But if you want a play for practice then ping me your e-mail and I'll send the data over via WeTransfer ... 😉
  4. Thanks Kon , Once it gets to the point of faffing about with layers and masks then I bow out gracefully ... I might send someone the frames if they want to have a play ... @Pete Presland
  5. Hiya , I've got the 25 frames saved to do just that but I have no idea how to do it ... Any tips would be gratefully received ...
  6. Been meaning to test the video side of the EOS 90D for a while and this was a great opportunity. Shot in FHD only as I need to get a faster SD card for the 4K recording , got another opportunity next week so I'll try again then Canon EOS 90D + Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary + Baader ND 5.0 Film. Slowed it down to 0.25x and made a looped gif in PIPP. And thanks to @Kon here are the single frames all stacked as it was beyond my feeble mind to figure out how to do it ... 😆
  7. The seeing was superb this morning so I let loose the 32.5Mp of the EOS 90D as it was to hand preparing for an ISS Transit ... I haven't even touched the lovely 550D data yet ... 😉
  8. Here you go ... https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/articles/darv-drift-alignment-by-robert-vice-r2760
  9. A bit of a long wait through the downpours and grey skies today , but eventually a patch of steady blue drifted my way after lunch ... A stack of 45 very nice frames. And SDO/HMI Continuum .
  10. Nicely caught Pete ... I have a similar opportunity tomorrow morning and again on Friday , I'm thinking of tackling it with the EOS 90D and Sigma 150-600 off a tripod for laziness sake. I assume that the time data from "ISS Transit Finder" is in UTC/GMT ? I can see nothing anywhere to suggest anything different.
  11. Early bird catching a bit before the cloud rolls in , pretty steady up there after a bit of overnight rain ... 😉
  12. Nearly didn't bother with all the cloud about , but tried anyway and caught a lovely gap or two , and possibly caught a flare ? Grabbed some videos of the possible flaring , YouTube link here ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TGN1yiv9e8
  13. As it's very rare to catch a sequence of 15 consecutive "keeper/stacker" frames I thought I'd better enter today's disc as I'm not sure whe I'll collect the same again ... 😏 16th June 2023 , 10:35 BST. CanonEOS 550D + Tal 100RS + 1.8x Barlow + Baader ND3.8 Imaging film + Oiii filter . 1/1000s @ ISO 100. 15 frames selected and stacked using PIPP , AS!3 , Reg 5 , Gimp.
  14. Shot my usual 600 frames in 4 sets of 150. When checking through the wobbly mess in Set 3 I came across a remarkable sequence of 15 consecutive crisp , detailed frames ... So I used them ...
  15. A few fleeting moments of clarity amongst a boiling morning , only a few but enough ... Wasn't good enough to get close in , bit I had to try ... !
  16. Glad my meagre efforts are of some use to someone neighbour ...
  17. Just a quick grab today , seeing awful still so didn't spend much time messing about on it ...
  18. Had to take two bites at this , was out at 06:30 hoping for some early steady conditions ... no chance ... 😒 Quick video here showing the distortion I was seeing ... Left it an hour or two and had another look , marginal improvement gave me 15 frames to stack from 600 ... !
  19. Thanks Michael ... I bought mine for general , wildlife and aviation reall , it will sit on the Sigma 150-600 for the most part. But being a solar snapper so's to speak it was always going to end up on the back of the Tal 100RS at some point ... 😏
  20. Managed to grab a couple of hundred frames with the new EOS 90D before the clouds rolled over , seems to do the job rather nicely ... I need to try and find a way of zooming in on the preview screen in EOS Utilities for checking focus , this was a lucky session as I'd just shot a load with the 550D as usual and just swapped over the bodies ... 😏
  21. Even milkier today but the seeing wasn't too bad despite , it so I managed to find 60 decent frames to play with ...
  22. Pretty much identical conditions to yesterday , the detail's OK but the disc is flat again , pushed it as far as I dared then backed off a tad ... 😏
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