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Everything posted by bendiddley

  1. Thanks Guys, will look into those options. Just to add I also own a Skywatcher evostar 72ED which I hope to use the camera with. And yes @bomberbaz looking for cooled.
  2. I own a starlight xpress SXVF M25C. Had it some years but want to upgrade to a modern CMOS camera. looking at the ZWO options but I’m not sure what to go for. I want to use it for deep sky and am only interested in a colour camera, mono is a bit beyond me at the moment. I have a budget of £600 and looking at the second hand market. Any recommendations?
  3. Thanks for that. I will definitely try stacking more calibration frames next time, maybe give the lights more time too.
  4. Thanks. No filter used. Not sure what the glass is, the retailer I purchased it from doesn't specify it, or do other places it seems. Maybe there is a focus issue however the central spike on the bahtinov was right in the middle.
  5. Went out last night and got first light on my new Skywatcher 72ED. Great to be out as its been a while. Managed to get some data which I processed today. As you can see there are a few issues going on and wondering what might be the causes. Things I notice are the stars are bloated, the large stars have halo/discs around them, the detail is a bit fuzzy even though I made sure the focus and PA were spot on, it's also become quite noisy. Here's a full list of the set-up... Scope: Skywatcher 72ED with .85x focal reducer Mount: NEQ6 Camera: Starlight XPress SXVF-M25C colour CCD Data: Lights 22 x 300sec, Bias x 25, darks x 25, flats x 25 Stacked with DSS, processed in photoshop
  6. Now that most street lights are LED, I'm wondering if light pollution filters are still needed as I was under the assumption that they only filter out the old orange sodium lights?
  7. Curious. What do people call this? I’ve heard it referred to as a barrel. Some call it a nosepiece. Is there a standard term?
  8. Ok guys. If I go for this Samyang 14 what tripod would you recommend for it? I currently have a very light and flimsy tripod which has a dodgy leg so needs replacing. I’d say £50 to £100, happy with second hand if needs be.
  9. I've been reading some more reviews about this lens and some people report fish-eye type distortion and vignetting, is there a lens that doesn't have these problems or are all 14mm in this price range like this?
  10. Wow thanks for all the info guys! So what's the RF version and why isn't it as good? Also why is the lens rounded? Feeling quite tempted by this!
  11. Thanks for that. I would love to go for a 1.8 lens, but I think it might be out of my reach budget wise. I've also wondered about f2.8 lenses as many 2nd hand ones of these seem to be in my price range, although you can still get some very expensive 2.8 lenses too.
  12. Looking for a lens to do some Milkyway landscape photography, budget £150-£300 second hand. Any recommendations? I have a canon 600d.
  13. How long does it take to 3D print something, excluding designing it, the actual print time. For example a simple end cap like the one in the first photo?
  14. Does anyone know how to get the small ASCOM hand controller window/pallet with the direction keys that allow you to move the mount to float on top of stellarium when stellarium is in full screen mode? I can access the ASCOM window when the stellarium isn't full screen. Just wondering if there is a setting for this. Cheers.
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