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Posts posted by Ratlet

  1. Sorry, I realised I made a mistake on my previous comment.  I mean to say altitude bolts.  I get that dialed in on a polar alignment and then for visual it is close enough (so far) for visual.  I replaced the hex bolts that came with the mount with thumb screws from ebay.  I think they were M6 but would need to double check.  Thumb tight works perfectly for securing the mount to the tripod.  For a good PA I usually get the bolts that secure the mount tight, but still with a bit of play, dial in the azimuth as best I can, tighten the bolts securing the mount to tripod the rest of the way.  If the polar alignment drifts after this I can back them off slightly and adjust the azimuth.

    All in all it is a more pleasant experience for visual than the azgti and a mobile.

    • Like 1
  2. I'll add a bit on my experience, I've not gotten to use it much for imaging over the last year for much the same reason as Steve.

    I have taken to not adjusting the azimuth  altitude after polar aligning and packing up.  This was handy yesterday as I used the mount for some solar observing and got the mount north-ish and the goto got it pretty close to the sun.

    I did manage to find use for the Icommander app.  Once connected to the phone you can sync the location and time from your phone.  This is much quicker than using the handset.  I did my position adjustments and alignment sync with the handset as I find the lack of tactile response for steering to be intensely frustrating.  Personal preference though.

    I did the actual observing with my 102 f7 and the mount handled it very well.  I did some imaging unguided of the sun and despite the gale there was only a little wobble.


    • Like 2
  3. Binos are great when paired with a deck chair.  I like to do things a bit backwards and try and find objects by just scanning and then working out what I saw.  The fov is large so it helps.

    If you do try for the planet parade be careful.  The wide fov of binoculars can make it easy to accidently catch the sun.  You so not want to be looking at the sun with them without appropriate filtering as it can cause very serious and permanent damage to your eyes.

    • Like 1
  4. We had guests today.  I'm hoping to get out tomorrow as we are due 3 hours in the early morning of clear skies.  @Mr Spock has turned me green with envy with his pictures.

    Would like to try some imaging so printing up a dovetail to Intel NUC adapter so I can mount the control computer to my handle:image.thumb.jpeg.2261208c23a580dfd39585aefc65d2f1.jpeg

    Useful thing a good handle.  Especially this one which is also a really long finder shoe mount.

    • Like 3
  5. I'm currently using my gem28 when I can actually get out with the 102ed.  I'm not a fan of go to but I really like tracking for observing as I can faff and sketch to my hearts content.

    I do like manual with slow mo, but the az5 is a bit on the puny side for the scope.

    What I really want/need is either @Mr Spock's setup or something like the AZ-gti with Pushto and tracking that is capable of handling the 102ed.

    • Like 1
  6. One nice thing about a smaller sensor is that you are basically pre-cropping the image compared to a larger sensor so you can lose some aberrations and imperfections.

    With a 533 sensor on my 130pds I don't really need a coma corrector because the bulk of the coma lands of the sensor.  I could achieve the same effect by using a larger sensor and cropping the offending section out of course.

  7. Wish my daughter would indulge me with a large telescope!

    I'm just starting to play with electronics and stepper motors with the goal to build myself some stepper powered contraptions for my scopes (autop focuser and EQ platform).  I'm struggling with the nomenclature for steppers and understanding how the powering of them relates to the rating on the motor itself.  I'll get there in the end I'm sure.  The SkyTee 2 is on the cards for myself also so this project is very interesting.

    I do love how quiet they are.  I still couldn't velieve the diffrence between the coffee grinder powered AZGTi and my stepper Gem 28.  

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Vroobel said:

    Thanks for the info, I will look at the soldering iron too. 👍

    I also work on my project, hopefully finished now. I got 2GT pulley and timing belt to drive a focusing ring of my Sigma 40mm F/1.4 Art lens. 




    Have you made a post in the DIY section?  I love stuff like this.  Always really insightful.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Vroobel said:

    You have to buy a precise soldering iron and a dedicated microscope. 😏

    Already got a replacement soldering iron.  Ordered a T12 from AliExpress.  Cheap, good for a hobbyist and the electronics are reasonably well understood.  Total package was £35.  The tip is grounded but the chassis isn't so that'll be modded.

    My old solder iron was a cheap eBay one that was more for inserting threaded inserts in 3D prints.  I've got kids though and solder in the house and this one comes with an auto off and the holder is very stable so ticked the safety box (as well as the new toy box).

    What I am finding is a project begets more projects.  I need a fume extractor, but I can build one of them, I'm building the test kit (and trying to diagnose the problems, oscilloscope works but is reading the wrong voltage).



    • Like 5
  10. Looking to get practice in for soldering (for building an autofocusser and EQ platform) I've been ordering DIY kits from eBay.  I've been looking them over and Been cherry picking the ones with all the teeny surface mounted stuff attached so it's just through hole.

    Imagine my surprise when I found these in the component tester kit that arrived today:


    I think I might struggle.  Wonder if I can claim my money back since the pictures clearly showed this stuff on the board.

    • Haha 1
  11. 27 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    I only travel with my 25 year old ST80 in case the car gets broken into.  It hasn't happened yet, but if it did, I'm not out a very expensive scope.

    The Heritage 130 might be an option if you can come to grips with its focuser and other foibles.

    Or, build your own suitcase Dob:




    My 130pds is 'officially' looking for a new home.  The reality is I'm planning on converting it into a travel dob like this.  Something about the thought of building a fun sized obsession clone fills me with joy.

    • Like 4
  12. 35 minutes ago, WolfieGlos said:

    I use my Starfield 102 purely for imaging, and I run it on a HEQ5 as shown here, and have been for just over a year now. The HEQ5 handles it with no problem and is well within the weight limitation, although the HEQ5 is hardly a "portable" mount. Although if using it only at home, you can also purchase a wheeled pillar mount (or make your own!). 

    I can carry the mount and tripod out of the house with a single (or two) counterweight's all in 1 go (I'm late 30's if age is a factor), and then attach the scope afterwards. 

    Hope that helps.

    Ooohh, interesting. This fits the tube rings on the Starfield 102? I've been looking for ages for a handle for it with no luck. Do you have a link to the one you have?

    SVBONY SV211 203mm Handle Bar for Telescope SV503 102mm and SV550 122mm OTA

    Can be got from AliExpress or svbony shop.  I went for the shop as it was slightly cheaper.  Just be aware you need to add vat to the AliExpress prices.

    • Thanks 1
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