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Posts posted by Ratlet

  1. This is basically the conundrum I'm in at the moment.  A 4" Scope would be a nice compliment to the 10" Dob, however I could also do with something that would be flight compatible as we tend to go on holiday to the med / gran canaria and there is plenty extra this would let me see from my 57 degrees latitude.  I think unfortunately the Tak is outside my budget (and I'm not a fan of the aesthetics) and the AP definitely is outside of my budget!  Would be nice if the Starfield 102 could be broken down small enough.

    I think in terms of 'realistic chance of me getting one' I'll need to look at a 90mm and hold out for a used Megrez 90.  Or remove the mirror cell from the 130 pds, throw the rube in my case and take the primary/secondary on as carry on lol.

    • Like 2
  2. Really good session last night.  Not much new observed as I wanted to make the most of the summer constellations.  Starsense was being an absolute mare on the pixel 6, first time I tried it, but fortunately it was slightly better behaved on the Honor 20 so I swapped to that.  I spent some time a couple days ago to work on the balance of the Dob with the dew shield and everything else on it.  Took a bit of getting used to using the weight to help with the balance at different inclinations, but doing fin adjustments on target was infinitely easier and more pleasant than previously.  Probably not best practice, but there is something intensely satisfying about nudging a dob with your eyebrow.  It'll be more satisfying once I get an EQ platform built and don't have to nudge at all.

    M13, M92 and M71 provided some nice globular viewing.  They are all quite different in structure and density so it was a nice little tour.  M71 appeared quite elongated, more of an ellipse than a sphere.  I took in Albireo and Almaak for a bit out colourful double viewing.  M27 looked quite spectacular, helped massively by averted vision.  Not required but I'm starting to notice colour in stars a lot easier, especially the orange/red ones and noticed a couple to the edge of the FOV with my 12mm around M27 and focusing on these helped bring out the detail in the nebula.  More detail on DSO with the 10" Vs 5" Newtonian, but the difference in globulars is the big draw for me.

    I've been trying for The Veil for a couple of months now but with my high latitude and summer nights, it has not been forthcoming.  Swung round to 52 Cyg with the 30mm Superview and still couldn't see it.  Until I could.  Running about 45 degrees there was a something there, not bright but a definite difference in texture.  I had the imaging rig setup in the shed so pull out the SV220 7nm Dual band filter and dropped it in.  Suddenly it was everywhere!  The Witches Broom extended well through the FOV and had the appearance of high clouds.  There was a distinct radial lighting to the broom itself which was surprising.  The more central areas were also apparent although I couldn't pick out much detail, panning across you could easily see the difference in brightness.  I panned up to the Eastern Veil and was greeted with a nice door handle shape nebulosity that had the similar cloudyness to it although the 'lighting' wasn't as impressive as the broom.  I'm going to need to whip out the 130PDS for it next time to get a wide FOV.  It should be able to squeeze both in with the 30mm.  

    With the filter in I went back down to M27 and swapped to the 12mm BST.  The contrast was greatly improved as you'd expect but where as previously the nebula was spherical there was now a clear horizontal elongation to it, the filter helping to highlight some of the subtler nebulosity in wings.

    I swear at some point I'll use that filter for imaging, but so far it's doing too good a job as an OIII filter!

    Saturn  had cleared one of the trees (about 20 degrees is my limit) but I could see it through the branches so decided to give it a shot.  Having removed the filter the focus was out so I was greeted with about 5 out of focus Saturn's which gave me a minor panic.  Turns out Saturn had not quite cleared the branches and there was some diffraction through the leaves.  Getting her in focus though and I got quite a pleasant view of our ringed neighbour.  Despite the tree it was in the sweet spot between houses so there wasn't a huge amount of turbulence in the atmosphere.  I stuck with the 12mm and whilst there wasn't a huge amount of detail I could make out a subtle band of cloud that ran parallel with the rings.  It gave the impression that the rings were passing in front of the planet.  I'm looking forward to the next few years when the planet gets out of the ruddy weeds.  If only some of the constellations would join it!

    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, powerlord said:

    Yeh I would say, you need a surprisingly large amount of ply to make drawers and stuff, and the results do tend to look a bit 'look what I made in woodwork class mum'. But they are sturdy, and the benefit is that you can customize the sizes, etc to be precisely what you want.

    40w will be pretty mental. I had to do quite a bit of work to ensure the smoke gets sucked out with my 10w.. with a 40w you'll need some serious exhuasting.

    Going to pick up an enclosure for it as well.  Fortunately the missus is very much on board with the maker movement.  So long as it does the job, she's happy.  Mostly it's stuff made from 3-5mm ply for small crafting items.

    With the 3D printer I've noticed that there are some things which it does well but there are plenty of others that some thin wood and some glue wood do a better job off.

    Primarily I want it for some wood working projects I've got planned.  Going to build an EQ Platform and a better base for my dob.  I don't want to use the laser for cutting the wood but I think it could do a good job for inlays and engraving on it.

    • Like 1
  4. Good to see you're still getting use out of it.

    The missus gets lots of stuff online that is made from laser cut plywood. boxes/shelves/models/etc so she is in favour of getting one.

    We're thinking about getting one of the fancy 40W diode units that have just been released.  Looks like it will cut up to a reasonable thickness of ply (3/4in) without it taking forever and burning the wood up too much.

    I like the sound of the co2 units but there isn't an option for feed through on the cheaper ones.

  5. 46 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

    Really like the idea of the side attachment. In my head I had the side connection being an attachment under the bottom of the base holder but your design is better imo.  I mentioned modular before as  had not realised the side mount you made was a modular one - I thought the side mount findershoe was part of the print and not an bolt-on.





    I think that would have been easier than what I came up with but I like to make it difficult for myself lol.

  6. I used instant print for mine.  They have templates so you can make sure your print doesn't get resized.

    I used waterproof pvc for mine.  The ink is not massively hard wearing and will scratch off with a bit of effort (mine are fine after several months though).  Probably a bit of varnish would help if it were a concern.

    It does mean I didn't need to get them cut out or worry about picture getting through penetrations on the lamination and I could print other stuff on the sheet.  Ended up getting two sets of circles, puckle of verniers (spares in case of loss) and a couple extra circles for my az5.


    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

    What software are you using for the design?

    Have you considered a more modular design, where the cradle/holster stays the same but different connectors bolt on the base for a standard finder shoe, left/right side connection etc?

    With a securing bolt either side (only one used depending on the side fitting) with the 'proper bo' brass inserts too.😉



    I'm using fusion 360 for design.

    The design is going to be completely modular once I'm finished.  The basic cradle can be be mounted side saddle or from the bottom.

    At the moment I'm not too far from that.  Mirror symmetry being the only current issue.

    Current design has focused on using nuts rather than inserts as these are more readily available and easier to use.  Also simpler for prototyping designs.

    • Like 1
  8. Prototype finished.


    I'm going to refine the design as the sloped design means the side mounting brackets are not symmetrical.  Will get it so it can be swapped over.

    EDIT:  tested it mounted side saddle on the ST80 because it's the only thing I've got to test it on.


    Screenshot from the Starsense app.  Telescope was focused on the flagpole tippy top so plenty of clearance.



    • Like 1
  9. On 03/09/2023 at 13:09, Mr Spock said:

    The clouds are not aware of your presence...

    ...you are beneath them.

    I can't believe this gem has been sat here since Sunday!

    The break in the clouds has been timed perfectly with me working so I only get a cheeky wee half hour or so if I get up at 0300 instead of 0400.

    Got to say though, Venus is looking fab in the morning

    • Like 1
  10. How wide is wide?

    M31 is always going to be a classic.  Something about a photon travelling unimpeded for 2.5 million years only to end it's life in a Scottish bams retina is amazing to me.

    Open clusters in Auriga/Perseus are some of my favourites,  M34-M38.  I find with a wider view some of them take on a slightly organic view, almost like moss or lichen.  It's hard to describe.  Probably better more into autumn.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

    Great report. I too was out around 2am to start with to let the 90mm mak cool and perform alignment with my AzGti. Then clouds rolled in. I thought I'd wait it out as it wasn't a school night (because when it clouds over I usually pack up and go home) but this time I stayed and was rewarded around 3.30 am with breaks in the cloud leading to nice clear skies. So got a few captures with my asi120mc-s and x2 Barlow, Saturn was to low by this time and in the murk. The seeing was a bit wobbly and the stars were twinkling well previously and settled by 4am. Onto the moon for a few more close up captures of the terminator. 

    The battery on the laptop was dying by now so popped the 32mm eyepiece in an stared at the moon jaw dropping. Then to Jupiter looking really sharp with the bands and just making out the grs. I noticed Orion was well risen above the horizon tried for M42 but the moon washing most of it out but trapezium nicely in view. 

    After weeks of cloud and no opportunity was pleased to be out looking at anything skywards that wasn't clouds. 


    Cracking.  Would be interested in seeing how the 120mcs did for imaging.

    • Like 1
  12. Out again at 0400 to attempt to see the GRS on Jupiter.

    The seeing was brilliant and I'm pretty sure that I got it (only taken me a year).  Slightly off centre just after 0400.  I had a decent look, the viewing only hampered by using the arm of a garden chair instead of my astronomy chair.

    The contrast was not great as I had no filters at all and it was bright enough to really need either the VPF or a contrast booster.

    Tried the Morpheus 17.5 in my BST Barlow and it was really quite nice.  Dont think it will have much utility for me on planets though.  I get some wild reflections which detract.  I get this with the star guider eyepieces and Barlow too.  I'm coming to the conclusion that it's the combination of the Barlow and my eyeball that's the issue.

    Still will be good for DSO.

    Tried to grab a video through the eyepiece using the msm phone holder but didn't have the time to play about with the settings.  I did use the moon to line everything up and after a quick process I'm quite happy.



    • Like 10
  13. If you would like to contribute with a sketch but, like me, have cack hands, you can use a planetary blank.  You can sketch, paint, crayon or whatever you want without having to try and draw the ruddy planet.

    Note: planetary blanks might be of limited use if trying to convey the majesty of Saturn through the medium of contemporary dance.

    Quick Google will find a wide range of suitable blanks.  It's not cheating neither!

    • Like 1
  14. Currently doing a redesign which I'll hopefully finish in the next couple weeks (I'm working at the moment).

    Basically making a bracket to allow mounting from the side.  Should be useful for scopes where the finder shoe is mounted side ways (say on tube rings on an alt az mount).

    Basic idea is to have the finder shoe bracket be molded around the nubbin for the retaining bolt on the side.  Should keep it aligned perfectly and be secure.

    Also adapting it to use brass threaded inserts because I think they look right proper bo.


    • Like 2
  15. Learned my lesson from yesterday and went out for a quick check despite it being cloudy at 0330 when I woke up.  Small gap in the clouds so dropped the 10" on its slab and lined up as the clouds rolled in.

    However like the Red Sea before Moses the clouds parted as I was setting up.  Put the 8mm zoom on and was rewarded with a sharp view of Jupiter.  View was very bright so righted up to about 5mm and the extra magnification cooled it off.  Easy the best view I've had of Jupiter.

    Plenty of detail to be seen with the southern eq band lumpy towards the western limb (I think west, left of the planet through the newt).

    I'll need to get setup again tomorrow as there should be a shadow transit and the GRS presenting.

    Swung up to the Pleiades with the 30mm but it's just too much power and not wide enough.  Need to get some overtime and get a 102 Starfield.

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