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David Smith

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Posts posted by David Smith

  1. Nice clear blue skies this morning and no work for a few days. A little breezy but at least that helps the seeing a bit. A few clouds skipping around but I managed to grab 3 full disks and a big prom too. Actually starting to remember how I used to process these.




    Finally the prom in both Ca-K and HA


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  2. Hi All

    Been away for a while and not done any solar imaging since last October 😧 hence the title. The Sun is too low to image until the end of February and then it rained all March! So I couldn't resist a look yesterday with wall-to-wall blue skies. Managed to grab 6 pane full disk images in 3 lights (WL, HA & Ca-K) plus a nice big prom in Hydrogen Alpha. Enjoy, hopefully more to come if the weather allows.









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  3. Day 2 of solar today, quite a bit more cloud about today so multi-pane mosaics were definitely off the agenda. Also quite a strong breeze, not good with a scope that's best part of a meter long! Still managed some half-decent captures in white light and H alpha. Ca-K was a challenge as the seeing was very poor at 393.4nm.

    First up a demonstration of why I did not shoot pano disks today


    Conditions changed in the few seconds between shooting the left and right panes leaving one side markedly brighter than the other. Still, I figured there was enough detail to be worth sharing. If anyone has any tips on how to "equalise" the panes of a mosaic in post-processing I'd be very interested!

    Had more success in H alpha although in hind sight I should have taken flats


    Quite please with this one, the inverted colours really make the features stand out. Liked it so much I tried it on the other H alpha shot


    Not the sharpest image ever but given that it was taken at 3000mm focal length on a windy day I am pretty happy with it.

    Finally a couple of white lights below which were also shot at the same 3000mm focal length.




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  4. Rare purely because they don't work, see example below :BangHead:  Apart from my apparent brain-lapse whilst capturing H alpha (captured 2 x top right segment and missed bottom right altogether) it was a nice session. Seeing was not bad at all and I managed to get setup so that the laptop and I were mostly in shade, which was nice :happy72:







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  5. Might just have to give one of these a try. At the moment I just use a hoody to cover my laptop whilst imaging, suspect this would be a big improvement.

    On 25/04/2022 at 17:55, Paz said:

     I spent over an hour pretty much non stop under this hood observing, which is a very long time for me and I came out cool and relaxed as if I had just been watching TV whereas an hour of solar would normally leave me looking and feeling like a kebab.

    :grin: know that feeling

    • Haha 1
  6. Lots of sunshine yesterday so got a good session in but held off processing in favour of making the most of the weather. Seeing was up and down as it was lunch time by the time I got out there, so these are not the sharpest set of images but neither are they the worst! Managed a full disk in all 3 lights although the H Alpha version is a little soft in the middle as I was struggling with the seeing by that point






    Close ups were tough due to seeing although the white lights came out well and the Ca-K's not too shabby either :grin:












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