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David Smith

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Posts posted by David Smith

  1. Title says it all really. Got out early but soon ran in to problems with clouds and variable seeing. Managed to get 6 pane full disk mosaics in White Light and Ca-K before conditions started to deteriorate. Managed a few captures with the Quark but a 6 pane FD was not on the cards.




    Some white light close ups at 2000mm focal length. I did try to do the same in Ca-K but the seeing had deteriorated too much by that time.






    The best of what I got in H Alpha




    The weather was too nice to sit indoors processing this lot yesterday so decided to wait until the rain came in today :clouds2:

    • Like 8
  2. It's been a while :icon_rolleyes: but time for some solar after a long winter break. Some glorious sunshine today and some time at home to do some imaging. Been some months since my last session so stuck with full disks to keep things simple. Each is a 6 pane mosaic stitched in auto-stitch. Each pane was 500 frames stacked in AS3!, sharpened in ImPPG and finished in GIMP. Had to shoot flats for the H alpha as the Quark is good but not perfectly flat.







    I was quite surprised the white light disk actually stitched. Hopefully another chance to get some practice in over the long weekend.

    So, good solar? Well I'm happy with the results of my first session of the year.

    • Like 6
  3. 59 minutes ago, Steve Ward said:

    Nicely caught sir ... :smile:

    I might well dust down the Tal and point it in the general direction if the squally showers desist any time soon .

    Might need a serious refresher  course regarding processing though ... if I actually remember how the mount and camera works ... lol.

    Good to see you Steve. Go on, you know you want to :evil:

    • Like 2
  4. Clear skies early this morning, bit of a shock as I had no work today so expected endless cloud! Setup the Evostar in a spot where it was sheltered from the wind. Half decent seeing so I decided to focus on close-ups of the AR's. No H Alpha today as clouds moved in just as I finished the white light and Ca-K.

    AR12882 close to the limb, shot at 3 meters focal length in white light and 2 meters in Ca-K. I did try and shoot Ca-K at 3 meters but results were disappointing.





    And AR12880. Managed to get this one at 3 meters in both wavelengths. Couldn't make my mind up on the false colour for the white light image so posted both!






    • Like 14
  5. Tried to get a session in today, not very successful. After the rain cleared the skies did too, setup the AR102 and grabbed a white light full disk. Got setup for Calcium and the laptop battery died! Grabbed an extension lead and the charger and thought all was good only for the mount to start playing up. Turns out the drive on my CG-4 has taken a turn for the worst so had to call it a day whilst I try and repair it. So just a white light full disk today.....




    Not sure what I'm going to do with the broken CG-4 drive as they are not even made any more! The drive itself seems ok but the flexi-joint to the worm-wheel has sheared.



    • Like 6
  6. Managed to get a quick-ish session in yesterday. It was breezy, showery and the seeing was up and down but there was lots of activity so worth persevering. Missed out on HA full disk as clouds took over by that point but already had decent crop of WL and Ca-K. All taken with the Evostar 120 and ASI178MM, close-ups using a an ES 2x barlow.

    White Light





    Calcium K





    Hydrogen Alpha




    • Like 5
  7. Quick session after finishing work today. Quite a bit of hazy cirrus cloud in the way so went for the AR102 rather than the Evostar. Unfortunately that is a bit limiting but better than nothing at all and with the days getting shorter I need to make the most of it whilst I can.

    White Light disk



    And a Calcium disk



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