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Status Updates posted by ian_d

  1. Looking forward to BAA Deep Sky Section meeting tomorrow

  2. Been getting used to all these clear nights...looks like they've abandoned us for the weekend though :-(

  3. Not much to report on the observing front of late...will it be clear for the asteroid on Friday??

    1. Guy Wells

      Guy Wells

      It could well be

  4. Another night, another washout...

  5. Finally got round to cleaning the corrector plate on my SCT - plus side to all this cloud

  6. Cotswold AS Stargazing Live events postponed this weekend - we'll try again February

  7. Hope the bad weather doesn't stop people coming out for our Stargazing Live event tonight

  8. Freezing after good night observing with Cotswold AS

  9. Best Stargazing Live series so far, I reckon

  10. Cold weather forecast later in the week...clear skies to go with it?

  11. 7mins of Jupiter observing tonight - cloud gap (but missed transits)

  12. Happy 2013! Clear skies!

  13. Will it ever stop raining?

    1. Coco


      Sold my imaging setup .. was going back to Mono , now I'm thinking about selling the mount and calling it a day..

    2. tingting44
    3. rory


      yes it will. it will then snow for 2 months !

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