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Posts posted by fwm891

  1. Captured over the last few nights:

    Subs: 9x 600s, 10x 300s and 6x120s (152 mins - 2.53 hrs)

    Camera: ASI294MC-Pro (gain 122 offset 30) + Baader UV/IR cut filter (L)

    Scope: AA 115EDT-APO + plano star 1x FF

    Mount: iOprton CEM60 Standard

    Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, and PS CS3 extnded



    The above image processed in APP I felt was reasonable but I decided this morning to try and process the same data in PI without going to PS after to make tweaks:




    • Like 10
  2. I started with an NEQ6 Pro which rapidly needed a belt mod to get it working reasonably well. Later I had an iOptron iEQ45 Pro, that mount purred in comparison and I now have a CEM 60 Standard which is performing better still. The new GEM 45 seems to be a progression in the '45' range. Interesting.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I shot this while waiting for the Helix neb to come out to play (by that time the moon had swamped it anyway!).


    ASI294MC Pro - cooled to -20°C

    Altair wave series 115 EDT-APO

    iOptron CEM 60 standard

    Guided exposures of 120, 300 and 600 seconds (18 subs mixed lengths)

    Processed APP with minor tweak in PS (Darks & Bias added no flats)



    • Like 4
  4. NGC 6960: The Witches Broom, located in Cygnus. Bright star 52Cygnii.

    Mount: iOptron CEM60 Standard

    Scope: Altair Astro Wave Series 115 EDT-APO

    Camera: ASI 294MC Pro (OSC) Cooled to -15°C

    Guiding: TS Optics 80 guide scope with ASI 120mm guide camera, via PHD2.

    Processed with PixInsight

    24 sub frames various exposures: 120, 180, 240, 300 & 600 seconds (more than 3 of each).


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  5. OK point in question:

    I spent some time yesterday evening setting up a few target sequences in SG Pro, one being the 'Butterfly nebula' so I go into CdC to find it's co-ordinates and there are 3 butterfly nebs listed (I wanted the one in Cygnus) had the image been notated with IC 1318 it would have been much easier - but then I wouldn't have fond the other two...

  6. Hi,
    I'm thinking about powering my observatory kit from rechargeable batteries and those recharged via solar panel(s) but before I jump in I'd like to hear some pro's and con's of running via batteries please.

    I would be looking at running:
    CEM60 standard mount
    ASI 294MC Pro cooled camera + asi120mm not cooled
    dew heaters (not got any yet but on this shopping list) 8 inch corrector largest optic to de-mist plus 80mm guider.
    Laptop - dimmable screen and runs for 6+ hours on full charge

    I currently run from 240 V mains power to the obs.


  7. I'm in the process of buying (bought) a Celestron RASA 8. Initially I was going to just use it straight with my ASI294MC Pro and an UV/IR cut filter. Then a Baader filter slider came up in classifieds but that meant I could no longer use standard extension tubes to get the required 25 mm back focus from the RASA's connecting adapter to the sensor.

    I used the slider's existing adapter plate (48mm) as a template and made one to the same outline but with a 42mm T2 female thread. 

    Photo shows the new adapter plate before painting and the original it replaces on the left.

    Waiting for the scope to arrive now.



  8. I have a ZS73 with the flat73A field flattener. Spacing is quite critical  from the back of the flattener to the sensor. You don't say which flattener or what camera your imaging with. A DSLR (Nikon, Canon etc) need the spacing set to 11.4? on the flat 73A along with their respective T adapters. Non DSLR's will probably need  various extensions to obtain a flat field

    WO page: https://williamoptics.com/new-adjustable-flat73-for-z73   scroll down until you see the spacing details...

  9. Alan - I added a few more subs to the other M27 data last night before high cloud spoilt things.

    I processed this one in PI


    The second image (now reprocess to remove blue veil) has been further processed in PS: I've duplicated the colour layer, applied B&W mode to the lower layer and changed it's blending mode to luminance. Then applied clipping masks to level/curves/saturation until happy.




  10. 2 minutes ago, souls33k3r said:

    I haven't heard good things about their tripod for CEM60. People say its wobbly and I'm not sure how wobbly it is. The tri-pier is great but it doesn't like uneven grounds. Again I have none of these so can't tell you first hand experience. 

    The tri-pier is really solid and doesn't mind uneven solid ground. Each leg is adjustable via changing it's angle (no extensions).

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, alan potts said:

    Francis, I feel this may well be the mount as even though the other are affordable for me, I'm not actually sure I would use that extra size, in fact having just got a 77EDll Borg I am looking at 2.5kg counter-weights as I am sure the one with it will be way too heavy, with that saved money a ASI 183mc may be a good move for this scope, the coating on the glass are amazing and everything is just quality.

    The one thing I really feel I will miss is EQmod, I have got so use to it.


    The Commander software (to me) is every bit as good as I remember EQMod. It's probably 5-6 years since using EQMod so it may well have evolved since then. But iOptrons Commander just works. 

  12. Alan - I have a CEM60 standard model which (I find) a real treat to use. Guiding via PHD2 is positive where ever I choose to calibrate across the sky (usually near the subject). I haven't put the sort of loading your 12" SCT but my 800mm refractor stays put even in reasonable winds.

    I use the USB connectors on the dec hub and find them really useful in reducing cable runs - just short usb's to focuser, filter wheel, guide camera. I run the main camera straight to the laptop giving me two cables main camera and mount.

    It's bigger brother the CEM120 looks good too but beyond justification for me.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, alan potts said:

    I like the image Francis but feel it has more in there with a bit of reduction in the brightness, the centre of M27 is a little washed out and the background sky it a bit bright. I accept it is purely personal taste.


    Agree Alan - It was my first real trial with APP which I found 'awkward' but quite liked it anyway. Will do another process in PI to compare. APP does clean up amp glow much better than PI which I have also struggled with. Amp glow is the main reason for trying different image process software...

  14. On 09/09/2019 at 13:54, Rodd said:

    A good way to end the season.  this target is problematic for me as well--mostly becuase it takes me a couple of months to get enough clear sky to make an imge--by then it has moved past the spot in my sky where it is accessible.  Shame.


    My horizon and M20's path through it.... I get about 1½ hrs tops, on a good night


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