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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. yeah i was wondering if there is a complimentary filter something + Oiii, so that could make up some of the Oiii weaker signal on second run but need to look into that.
  2. that is some cool links ty. i don't have a 3d printer, but could outsource that
  3. anyone know of, or the general name of a filter holder holder? what do i do with my uv/ir cut filter and holder when i pull it out and put the dnb filter holder in instead? some sort of external filter holder holster? im sure there must be something for rasa owners who don't use filter wheels, surely? they won't just have a tupawear box with their filters and holders in? best i can do is the box my spare filter holder came in i guess?
  4. seems to give me 2.01minutes for 527.3nm 7nm bandpass. which seems a lot but, if i'd worked out about 12seconds with broadband, this is about 10x as much, and the filter maybe reduces total light by 90% ish, which means about 10x as much? so these figures seem ballpark at the very least? i guess ill start with 120 seconds rather than 60 seconds then. ty so much for that spreadsheet.
  5. evri were out early today. sv220 and a spare holder.
  6. i did consider upping gain, but for now im going to leave it at unity (100). might up my offset if im getting any zero pixels but need some clear sky see what happens.
  7. will do ty. no harm in me checking in advance. im gonna leave this morning's postal arrival in my setup to start with, rather than swapping it in after 3paa. will run some 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 min tests see what they look like and guess at 120 sec to go with
  8. LP swamps read noise in under 10 sec...for broadband....hadn't even considered this would change for nb Will have a look ty
  9. just a filter drawer. supposed to be 7nm bandpass will be interesting to see what i get. ill do some tests and see what happens at different sub lengths. depends if my guiding is improved as i hope who knows when?, weather is still rubbish
  10. Also Nina's histogram is not great, so I use the min median max stuff. It's possible I might have to up my offset.
  11. 7 sec exposures is fine for 3ppa so I'll go with the new filter and up it from my usual 3 sec if needed. Only experience I have in this is the usual YouTubers. Some might be exaggerating how much more time I might need I think. Maybe
  12. Should I 3ppa and phd2 calibrate with my UV/ir cut then swap in the dual narrowband filter? Then a focus check and go ?
  13. Ty will have a read. Planning on sticking with 60sec but if my guiding changes go well will go higher. Depending on what I read in your recent post
  14. Sadly siril only has a split Ha/Oiii script. I'll look see if anyone wrote one I could use or maybe edit the values to work on different frequencies. Lots of options on pallettes. I meant do I need filter specific darks and biases? Do you use different dark and bias library sets for each filter? Thanks for the help
  15. ...and stuff I haven't thought of will I need to up my exposure time from my now default 60 seconds, as I'll be getting less light, but a higher proportion of the good stuff? 90% reduction in light means I might need 10 minutes subs. Total exposure time won't be too much different except maybe minus 20 minutes of rgb subs for stars. I'll need flats for each filter, but not darks and bias? processing, I can carry on as I have been or I can split Ha and Oiii and process them separately and then composite them. Can also do a fake sho pallette. are there any obvious stuff I might not have considered when moving to narrowband with my osc?
  16. Apologies again for the dumbness and interrupting
  17. Fml more apologies. Did you add cosmetic spikes?
  18. There is a thickish "flair" between the two left side spikes on every star. Has to be focus tube obstruction surely? It also varies based more on stars position in frame. Apologies for interjecting, I'm trying to improve my Newtonian diagnostics
  19. Discounted, not discredited lol And I only discounted after a very brief look. There are many, many mounts available and the cem (I think) and 4d balance didn't appeal. Also on step? Now I know a little more about on step im sure I'd be fine with it, and it turns out not all ioptron mounts are cem. I'm just window shopping at the moment, but I think mount has to be next upgrade, probably also tripod. Having said all that, now my guide scope is pushed in further a quick test showed much reduced coma compared like effext from I think nose piece slop, will be interesting to see. I think this had a major effect on my guiding. 2sec exp went from 20 snr to 50
  20. me too. check some videos on siril processing, there's nothing i did which is very complicated. and im very much still learning. looks like you're making a solid start though.
  21. if i zoom in, i can see donut stars, so focus definitely not perfect. pretty great image even so lol
  22. ok im not winning any prizes for my processing skills, but your image is boatloads better than my first and only attempt. all i did in addition to the above was a +20 asinh on the seperated stars before combining them back with the background. its possible the stars lack a little focus maybe, but i think they're pretty good for a camera lens. remember i'm new to this, so bare that in mind there are quite a lot of triangular artefacts in my result, possibly from starnet++ removal process, possible inherent in the data. but this took me like 5 mins
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