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Tob De Pittu

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Everything posted by Tob De Pittu

  1. Hi everyone! I have some questions: 1. Can I change the keybinds for my keyboard in Stellarium? For instance if I want to change tracking mode by pressing Control 2 to Control 1 on my keyboard. 2. How do I stop the mount to tracking and following objects when I'm finished by observing the sky? I'm almost ready now.
  2. Edit. It's working well now. Thank you guys for the help! 🙂
  3. Okay. I solved it! Thanks! It's now updated as well. 😀
  4. Hello everyone! I'm new at astrophotography with telescope and these software programs. For some reason I cannot connect the Stellarium software by clicking Start. The start button just doesn't respond for some reason. And the SynScan is connected with com 5 port to my laptop. Here are some pictures. Please be respectful. Thanks in advance! VID_20231002_192752.mp4
  5. I bought it in 2016. I forgot to post the pictures at my hand controller yesterday. Ver.03.32
  6. Hi everyone! I have an issue every time when I'm trying to update my SynScan hand controller. I'm a new beginner with astrophotography with to use telescope. So I'm are a little bit confused about the update. When I trying to update my SynScan hand controller I always get an error message that says 'Version 6.xx firmware does not work on version 3.xx hardware'. I have an Neq6 pro mount.
  7. Thanks for the replies! I want to point out that I'm new to astrophotography and to use the telescope equipment with a computer. Here are some pictures that I can show a little details about how my mount is connected from my lap. Btw I got a Serial port cable that was included when I bought the NEQ6 Pro mount. (The cable on the mount in the pic below). But I wasn't sure, so I bought an USB to RJ11 cable which I connected into the Auto Guider port. I will test to connect via the Synscan controller. And I tried to connect the included cable into the Hand Controller port with no luck. And I looked which one com port I have in the device manager for each one cable. The RJ11 com 5 and the Serial port com 6. I have a lot to learn. But I'm learning quick. And thanks again! Best wishes / Tob de Pittu
  8. Hello everyone! I have a little trubbele when I connecting my mount cable on my Neq6 pro mount from my laptop. I connecting direct via USB cable to my Auto Guider port. But every time I do this I get an error message that says; Connect Error: Timeout. And yes, I have both Stellarium, EQMOD and ASCOM installed on my lap. And I have done everything right in the softwares. Plus I've downloaded and installed VCP driver on my Windows 11. Do I need a specific cable for this that have a FTDI-chip inside? Or is it enough with a RJ11 cable like that I have? But when I connect my mount from my laptop, both my computer and my mount make sound. First the sound when I connect my laptop when the sound from my mount that sounds constant. Here's the link that I have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cable-Skywatcher-Connect-Synscan-Controller-usb-rj11-6p4c/dp/B08LPLY49N?th=1
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