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Everything posted by ScotiaAstro

  1. Awesome pics and info guys! Thanks for sharing! Have fun and look forward to seeing some items on FLO website soon!
  2. Well done and many congrats to all of the winners! It was a fun challenge and looking forward to the next one! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  3. Here's my rendition of this lovely piece of our night sky and thanks to Grant and the FLO team for providing some wonderful data to work with! This was edited in Pixinsight entirely with the following workflow and hope you all like it: Dynamic Crop all images to same dimensions Ran GraXpert through Pixinsight Toolbox on all images Ran BlurXterminator on all images Ran NoiseXterminator on all images at 0.60 Denoise and 0.15 Detail Ran a basic Histogram Stretch Ran LRGB Combination with HSHO settings to retain some of the Green because I like to see some in my image Ran Correct Magenta Stars Utility Ran Clone for Starless Tool at Star Reduction Method 3 with StarXterminator Removed Stars with StarXterminator Slight Curves adjustment for contrast boost Worked with various Colour Mask tools to bring out more details with curves SCNR to take some green elements out Another run of NoiseXterminator at 0.40 and 0.15 Detail Ran Dark Structure Enhance Utility Added Stars back to Image Best of luck to all of the entries and clear skies to you all! Steve
  4. Thanks very much for your reply mate and apologies, I've busy revisited my thread and seen you'd replied! Appreciate the info and sharing your experiences with the Esatto 3! Yes, I think I'll just pull the trigger on this one and get it fitted...cheers for taking the time to respond and best wishes to you! Steve
  5. That's an awesome pic, nice job! Those Sigma 1.4 Arts are fantastic, I've got the 24mm and its brilliant!
  6. Hey folks, I'm considering completely replacing the stock focuser on my Esprit 100 and wondered if anyone had used the Primaluce Esatto 3 with it? I'm using ZWO EAFs and Pegasus and Celestron auto-focusers on my other scopes, so have experience with those, but my Esprit stock focuser is starting to show its age and I want to replace the whole unit (I got it second hand)...but the optics are still pristine and giving me great results! Be interested in anyone's experience or if you've used any other replacement focusers with your Esprit 100? Thanks and have a great weekend, Steve
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