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Moonlit Night

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Posts posted by Moonlit Night

  1. 43 minutes ago, johnturley said:

    A couple of months ago, I compared the views of Jupiter and the Moon through my Tak 100DZ, with that through my then ES 127 FCD 100, and Esprit 150 Refractors. The view through the Tak did not even come close to that through the Esprit 150, which was streets ahead of that through both the 100DZ and ES 127. I would expect the Esprit 150 to have the edge over the Skywatcher 150 ED, but they may well be close, and I think someone on Cloudy Nights did a comparison between a Skywatcher ED 150, and a TEC 140, and the ED 150 compared quite favourably. One point to bear in mind though, is that according to Es Reid, the quality control tends to be better with the larger Esprits, which also I think, have a more robust lens cell than the Skywatcher ED Refractors.

    Regarding the comparison between the ED 127 and the Tak 100DZ, I thought that they were very close, but maybe the 100 DZ had the edge over the ES 127, when it came the sharpness of the view. Bear in mind though, I purchased the 100 DZ, mainly because I wanted something lighter and more portable than the ES 127, rather than because I expected it to give superior views.

    Some Tak owners also state that they can comfortably use 100x or even 125x per inch of aperture with their Tak scopes, this may well be the case when it comes to double stars, but on Jupiter, and admittedly not under the best of viewing conditions, I felt that the 100 DZ ran out of steam if I tried to go above 200x (50x per inch of aperture), and found the image rather dim and nor very sharp. 


    As one might expect.

    Anyway, boring scope wars aside, and to return to topic, have you made a decision yet. 

  2. Yes, it’s fl8.6, a Tele Vue 102 refractor. The 13mm gives me an exit pupil of 1.5 and the 32mm 3.7. Planetary and lunar observation are where my interests lie, hence the 4mm, 5mm, 7mm, 9mm spacing with the 13 mm and 32mm as fill ins for times of poor planetary position or white light solar. I plan my ocular choices based upon my personal interests, which I think is probably the way to go.

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  3. On 09/03/2024 at 09:21, NGC 1502 said:


    Note- All allen heads on my Pronto accept Imperial allen keys. I don’t know if that applies to all TV refractors.


    I would think so, I found obtaining the right ones a bit of a pain. Same is true with Tele Vue mounts in my experience. I love my HD4, best mount I ever owned, although I did mod it with a AMD clamp which I prefer as a mounting option.

  4. I recently cleaned my Tele Vue 102 using the bulb blower and Baader wonderfluid and a brand new micropore cloth method (absolutely no lense pens) I didn’t need to remove the objective and quite frankly find the prospect terrifying. However that doesn’t sound too bad so if I am ever in that position (whisper it, fungus) then perhaps I will give it a try. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Elp said:

    Full frame can be very unforgiving, even full frame camera lenses doesn't usually result in perfect stars across the frame with camera bodies. The RVO scope is likely okay, Im however biased as I've owned a Z61 for years, really is an excellent scope (ive put it through literally everything, visual and AP, planets, WL solar,  HA solar, DSO imaging).

    I rest my case m’lord

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, ST_Steve said:

    I had already made up my mind before reading these replies @JeremyS @John @Deadlake 🤣🤣🤣 and haven’t changed my opinion since yesterday evening.

    LZOS it is! I will be contacting the seller this afternoon.

    Again thank you all for the balanced responses 👏 SGL really is a fantastic forum with wonderful members.


    I think you have made the right decision. As has been previously stated:

    A) The price is right 

    b) These are not going to be imported back into the UK any time soon/ever (The last big import of TAL (Russian) refractors must be getting on for 15 years ago)

    c) There is just something wonderfully reassuring about buying a premium refractor. Yes some of the reasons we buy these things is a little, dare I say… irrational, but you are no longer wondering if the glass is greener (or a nice purple or blue) on ABS. 

    You could even argue (I’ve actually tested this out with Mrs Moonit) that it’s cheaper in the long run. The chances are you’re going to keep it forever if it ticks all your quality boxes. 
    You’re not just buying a telescope, you’re peace of mind. 

    Well done and congratulations. 

    One another note, thanks for the appalling weather you are undoubtedly going to inflict on us all the moment you part with your cash! May include clouds, may nothing, it’s a given!


    • Like 4
  7. 1 minute ago, John said:

    It's off topic but there is / was I R Poyser:

    IR Poyser – Telescope Makers | Makers of fine Brass Telescopes in the traditional style

    And also we had Moonraker Telescopes:

    Moonraker Telescopes - Home

    And, again in the past, Skylight Telescopes.

    All niche instruments, I guess. 

    A topic for another thread perhaps ?

    Perhaps, I remember those candy red and brass scopes. I didn’t think they make the glass themselves. I remember they used TV achro glass in some of them. The others were steam punk numbers I seem to remember. They still come up for sale now and then. 

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