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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by Gina

  1. I think this may be the final model of the wind instruments.  Mainly printed in white PLA except for the mast and vane which are aluminium and the nosepiece/counterweight which will be turned in brass.  Oh and several nuts and bolts.


  2. Tonight 9pm BBC 2 - Horizon is about Pluto - Back from the Dead.  From Radio Times :-


    There might be life on Pluto. It sounds far-fetched, but that’s the conclusion some scientists have reached, and it’s one of the unexpected new angles explored in this intriguing edition of Horizon.
    The insights come courtesy of New Horizons, a tiny spacecraft that travelled 3.26 billion miles to the edge of the solar system, sending back detailed imagery that reveals a geologically fertile world with, among other features, a nitrogen glacier and a recently active volcano. Moreover, Pluto’s abundant supply of organic molecules and liquid water suggest some form of alien life might exist.


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  3. For the wind vane where slow and back & forth motion is involved I'm going for PLA sideways bearings and a point contact single ball on a hard surface.  The ball is a 14mm chrome steel bearing ball and the hard surface is a Neodymium Magnet (these are coated with a very hard material).  Lubrication will be Liqui Moly 3510 LM 47 Long-Life Grease + MoS2 100 g

    This is the basic arrangement.


    Still developing the wind vane sensor and bearing unit but this is getting near.  8 reed switches held in holes.  The weather hood will have a magnet to operate the switches.476955498_Screenshotfrom2020-07-0521-39-36.png.e0e50e00215172a2b4f12665753374f1.png


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