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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Testing... Have Arduino Nano connected to Win 7 laptop and displaying Serial Monitor but just getting a high speed run of strange characters which I don't think is right
  2. Connections to MLX90316 breakout board.
  3. Anemometer Hall sensor connections :- +5v White Gnd Black Data Grey
  4. Arduino Nano connections :- Brown Gnd 4 & 29 Red +5v 27 Orange SS D10 13 Yellow SCLK D13 16 Green MOSI D11 14 Blue INT0 D2 5
  5. MLX90316 pin connections :- Vdd +5v Capacitor to Gnd Red TEST Connect to Gnd SS Orange SCLK Yellow MOSI Green TEST1 Connect to Gnd Vdig Capacitor to Gnd Vss/Gnd Brown
  6. Now then, do I risk wiring it up to the MLX90316? Think I'll leave it until tomorrow - have a couple of things to sort out first anyway.
  7. WOW!! Got one working A different batch - I could tell from the packaging - CH340G label on it, the others had nothing. Unfortunately, I have only one with that packaging and two more of the other packaging. Looks like I have a bad batch.
  8. I have a few more new Nanos I could try. I don't see how they could be harmed by connecting to the Win 7 laptop. I might order some more perhaps.
  9. The ATmega chip is working as it shows the one second flashing of the default sketch. Could be boot loader I guess though I don't see how it could have been corrupted. Tried keeping the reset button pressed for a few seconds before the upload - no difference. And there is no sign of data being received - just the flashing LED from D13.
  10. The same board with links removed still won't let me upload a sketch. On Win 7 with all the same settings.
  11. Loopback is working on the Win 7 machine
  12. It's a CH340. Testing with Linux Mint. I could try Windows 7...
  13. No. Just the red LED on continuously.
  14. I linked RST to GND and TX to RX on a new Nano but the loopback didn't work.
  15. If your setup works with just MISO connected mine should too
  16. Do you have the MOSI & MISO mixed up? MOSI goes through the FET in the diagram. I'm confused still
  17. The anemometer Hall sensor will connect to D2, one of the interrupt pins and I'm planning to use interrupts to count the turns of the anemometer (using the falling edge of the waveform). Highest interrupt is calculated with a 100mph wind (which I hope we will never get!) with a 100Hz frequency ie. 10ms between interrupts which I reckon the Arduino should be well able to cope with. Earlier version of the weather station used a 1-wire counter chip but a direct connection to the Nano is simpler and the 1-wire counter chip was discontinued several years ago.
  18. Been looking at the Arduino Nano connections but I'm having a bit of a problem with the MLX90316. These diagrams don't seem to correspond.
  19. Tried that with an old Nano and got no text back but this board may be duff anyway. I could add pins to one of the new Nanos and try that. (Or solder links on.) I don't want pins on the board I'm using for the wind sensors - just the plain Nano board with wires connected to the solder pads. Gnd, +5v, 3 wires to the direction chip and 1 to the anemometer (plus Gnd & +5v).
  20. Think I've tried all of those James
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