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    Rutland, UK
  1. tibbs1972

    Widefield Imaging

    Images taken without telescopes.
  2. tibbs1972

    Best I can do

  3. I realsed tonight that I've been ignoring the Southern sky and can't navigate it very well. I think this is beacause my house faces the neighbours houses and there are street lights there. Due to the light pollution, I've always concentrated on the Northern skies. Tonight I just tried checking out the south west. For the first time tonight, I learnt how to spot Hercules and the Corona Borealis constellations with the naked eye. I also managed to spot M13, The Great Globular Cluster with my 10x50 monocular. I can just make out the cluster by identifying HIP 81848 and HIP 81673 and then looking between them slightly to the right. If you don't follow, you can see what I mean from the attached image. Another notch from the Messier catalogue. Pretty chuffed I've learnt a few new things tonight, even thought I didn't get the scope out.
  4. tibbs1972


    Amazing pictue and M110 in there aswell, good job.
  5. Hi, Withe regards to M31, from my personal experience (limited), just looking through the scope won't show the full view of M31, you probably will se a large blob. Much of the galaxy can't be seen without photo processing. I've only got a 130mm MIrror, so I see a small blob, and I haven't invested in any colour filters yet. To get the full effect you need to take some shots with a camera and stack them on top of one another with software like deep sky stacker (free on the web). Also, you're not going to get much colour unless you use separate colour filters for each shot and again stack them with the software. Hope you have some luck, I look forward to the day I can make use of a 200mm MIrror (Jealousy creeping in again). There are plenty of tutorials on this site that may help more than me, and some awesome images built up with Mirrors smaller than 200mm. I'm sure you'll have succes with a bit of time an patience. Good Luck !
  6. Had a great night viewing tonight, really clear from around 9pm. I've spotted a few satellites, one with a flare. I've also seen a few meteors falling to earth, while looking north east. My main object of concern has been Andromeda tonight. I've managed to get a few shots with my small 130mm Mirror and EOS 1000D camera. I don't think I'll ever get a better picture unless I upgrade to a larger scope, but this is my best attempt at capturing Andromeda so far.
  7. Glad the nights are drawing in for better Photos, I'm looking forward to getting some more images. I Took a few shots of the northern sky tonight. I was concerned that a lot of what I could see was noise on the camera, but when I compared the Photo with Sellarium, I was pleased to see the stars in my Photo matched up with the image on the software, something I haven't done before, it helped to assure me I'm getting something right.
  8. Managed to get a few shots of Cygnus tonight.
  9. Great to get rid of the bad weather for a while and even better, the nights are drawing in. Had a chance to take a few RAW images of Cassiopeia tonight. I think I even spotted Andromeda tonight.
  10. Took a few shots tonight and had a go at stacking them.
  11. Amazing, the clouds have cleared tonight. For the first time in months, an opportunity arose. Unfotunately, it's Summer and June as well. I managed to spot a couple of stars, but the viewing time is so limited at this time of the year. I'm not even going to bother dusting of the Telescope. I'l just stick to my handy DSLR. I managed to spot Altair in Aquila, but thats the most I can image at the moment.
  12. Hi Isabelle, I was going to have another go, but both had disappeared after I had uploaded this picture. Neil
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