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Everything posted by zakky2k

  1. From the album: 2013 - December

    2x2 panels each of 5x600s Ha (3nm Astrodon) binned 2x2. I'm loving the sensitivity in Ha
  2. zakky2k

    moon Mild FFT DDP

    From the album: 2013 - December

    An attempt too use the FFT filter in Maxim to flatten the exposure and extend the dynamic range
  3. From the album: 2013 - December

    Trying out the Digital processing filter in Maxim to extend the dynamic range.
  4. zakky2k

    M45 RGB

    From the album: 2013 - December

    Just the combined RGB data for now...
  5. zakky2k

    M1 3x600 Ha

    From the album: 2013 - December

    Ha only through the Astrodon 3nm Ha filter.
  6. zakky2k

    IC410 10x600 Ha

    From the album: 2013 - December

    The Tadpoles! Ha-only unfortunately... Given the different focal plane I avoided changing between LRGB and Ha too much and rather concentrated on capturing data during the brief clear spells.
  7. From the album: 2013 - December

    I used the 10x600s Ha data as the luminance channel then combined with additional RGB I captured at a later date.
  8. From the album: 2013 - December

    Same data as v1, (4 x 5mins x LRGB) but used the Digital Processing filter in Maxim (lowpass kernal) to bring out the fainter structures, then a few iterations of curves and levels in Ps whilst all the time being mindful of the severe gradient. Finally used NeatImage to reduce the noise My flats do not seem to have evened out some other defects either, so might have to re-do those before my next session (vignetting, green cast in bottom center and blue cast center right).
  9. From the album: 2013 - December

    4x600 seconds through the Ha filter. Starts to give some idea of what this camera is capable of, The field of view and wide-ranging sensitivity are fantastic! It really needs more exposures, though, and some decent viewing conditions! LRGB exposures were impossible given the close proximity to the full moon, even in this 3nm Ha image the reflection of the moon is visible as a semi-circular lens flare to the right of the image... Hopefully the weather will settle to allow me to complete this project...
  10. zakky2k

    M45 NGC1435 LRGB

    From the album: September 2013

    Starting another mosaic before I've even finished the Veil nebula probably doesn't seem wise, but given this was a reasonable target in the only clear portion of the sky, I thought I'd take it anyway. With the large surface area of M45, small sensor size of the SuperStar and the appalling weather, it could take a while before this one gets finished... L=10x200s 1x1 RGB=4x200s 2x2
  11. zakky2k

    September 2013

    All shots taken with a 102mm Orion and SX superstar for imaging (unguided on the AP1600GTO)
  12. zakky2k

    M42 LRGB combined

    From the album: September 2013

    Managed a few short subs (10s, 30s and 60s LRGB sets) before dawn in a rare break in the clouds. M42 just squeezes in to the SX Superstar sensor. Makes a nice change from dim mosaics! Could now do with capturing the longer subs for the faint details. LRGB x 10s + LRGB x 30s + LRGB x 60s Stacked each master in Maxim then combined the layers in CS5
  13. From the album: September 2013

    Ok, this is maybe pushing a bit far given my equipment, but amazing to see all those faint fuzzies in one image! #HappyDays
  14. From the album: September 2013

    Didnt think I'd be able to try the Eagle again this year! Not much improvment over my previous attempts but at least my polar alignment was closer. Hopefuly the upcoming APCC software will increase tracking accuracy by compensating for diffraction effects being so low to the horizon.
  15. From the album: September 2013

    Pushing it a bit here for a 102mm scope and a planetary / guide camera combo!
  16. From the album: September 2013

    Testing my polar alignment in this 300s ungiuided shot of the Cirrus-East portion of the Veil nebula. Not too bad, but not perfect.
  17. From the album: September 2013

    My first attempt at a mosaic, using the auto mosaic feature of Maxim DL for the capture and the combination of frames after. Took a while to get the orientation worked out (tip : Use the observatory -> Zoom tab and resolve in pinpoint to get things lined up nicely). I'm not too pleased with the green ting of the last frame in the upper right, and of course still need to capture a few more panels, weather permitting... So far in this 3x2 mosaic only 4 panels have been completed, each with: L = 10 x 200s 1x1 RGB = 5 x 200s 2x2
  18. I'm back in CZ for September... And so is the Rain !

  19. My first Saturn shot!!! Just caught it before it went into obscurity from my location. Could not get the SX capture software working to get data from the SuperStar planetcam, so reverted to using the EOS Capture program to grab the Live-View feed from my DSLR, then processed in Registax. My heavy handedness with the wavelets has left a fair bit of background noise unfortunately, but it was the best setting to bring out the planetary details.
  20. zakky2k

    M33 LRGB small

    I probably should have used the DSLR for the wider field than the SX planetcam... Oh well, at least this shot shows that my drift alignment was successful :)
  21. more of a PA test than anything else, but it was an a good altitude in the western part of the sky, so I took 16 x 3 minute shots again with the DSLR and the TV 0.8x FF/FR
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