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Everything posted by MarkOw

  1. amazing, thankyou, so the answers is to forget the fancy 3d printer and use a knife and cardboard instead! Thanks for the links, I'll try them out anyway.
  2. Hi, Wondered if anyone had any knowledge of how precise bhatinov masks need to be to work well. I was going to 3D print a few for my camera lenses and scopes but two possible issues. 1. My old 3D printer isn't the highest resolution, so the mask will not have perfectly sharp edges. 2. There seem to be different patterns available, some with more slits (harder to print accurately) and some with fewer slits (easier to print but does this make them less precise on focusing?) Any experience on this would be useful, or should I just buy a set of commercially made masks instead (although seems less fun!) Thanks
  3. Thanks Pramod... I had been holding off sorting the VNC - but your feedback made me sort that out today and it makes it all so much better. I haven't been using the RPi setup because it all seemed too complicated, but I'm going to give it a go outside now it is all functioning well on a bench setup.
  4. Helped me out too, several years later... Thanks Dave!
  5. Hi Pramod, I'm trying to get a setup like this going - I have the RPi and stellarmate up and running, just acquired an HEQ5, so nearly there! Any tips on getting to a good stable setup would be really helpful - I'm interested that you use the tablet connection - do you not end up missing out on key features compared to linking to a laptop? Also, what power source do you use - I've heard you need a good stable source to avoid glitches... if I'm running the HEQ5, a 16W dew heater, the RPi and a few CCDs I presume I need something quite substantial?
  6. Great to see some images from a setup similar to what I’m hoping to get to. These are great - I’d be very happy to get these results!
  7. Ah, ok, that’s very useful, I was wondering how to calculate the focus position and what adaptors I needed. This makes it a lot clearer. I have an 11mm T-ring adaptor already for attaching DSLR to my C8, so I guess I can re-use that with a few additional extenders to make the focusing work. This is all starting to make a bit more sense, so thanks!
  8. Great review - I have one of the 7.6-21.8mm Svbony zoom eyepieces which works really well with an 8" SCT, but just ocasionally I want another magnification level, so might add one of these to my wishlist for plantery viewing in good seeing conditions. Thanks for taking the time to write it up so comprehensively.
  9. Thanks Carole, this is the sort of thing you'd never know reading all the specs! I'll stick with a Skywatcher to start with then, it does seem that everyone on here has used one at some point and even if they've moved onto something else they still seem to keep the SW as well which must be saying something.
  10. This is my other fear - getting an OTA and then finding I need a long list of adaptors to get my DSLR connected and to the right focal plane. Is there a simple rule of thumb to use with scopes to make sure this doesn't happen, or do you need to understand the specifics of each OTA and therefore in reality you just have to do this once you have the scope in your posession. I do have the connectors to get my DSLR onto my C8, so I guess some of that might help - although it is all 1.25" and I'm guessing I'll need 2" connectors.
  11. oh no, now I'm off looking at guidescopes and cameras again... arrghhh. Oh well, I'm going to take my time and enjoy the journey, that seems to be the main requirement (along with lots of spare cash!) I made the mistake of getting a RaspberryPi set up with Stellarmate a few weeks ago, which has the tools for all these extra gadgets. But at some point I have to stop messing around with trying to get all the equipment together and actually take some images! Thanks for all the input, it has helped.
  12. ok, thanks, hopefully the google search will do it, as I don't fancy my chances of getting the grid right!
  13. Thanks - lots of helpful thoughts. Glad to hear I don't have to have *everything* to get started! I'll try the DSLR as it is to start with and unguided until I get the basics sorted. I spotted an old William Optics Z70 with flattener for sale that looked like it was in good condition - seems like a good alternative to the Samyang if similar price?
  14. Yes, I was thinking of starting out just with lenses as an alternative. I've looked at the Samyang 135mm a few times but figured it was the same price as a Skywatcher... until I started realising I needed flatteners, T-rings, extesnion tubes.... so maybe I should go back to that idea! Thanks
  15. Hi, Looking for some advice on getting a DSO imaging setup going. I'm really a visual astronomer - CPC800 is my main telescope - but I've been dabbling for a few years with a Canon 600D (unmodded), Sky adventurer and a few basic lenses, but now trying to have a proper go at dso imaiging. I have acquired an HEQ-5 Pro mount (with belt mod), so have an EQ mount ready to go, but no scope for it yet. I'm thinking I probably want to go for a skywatcher 72 or 80ED from reading the forums. Finally, I like tinkering, and making small upgrades bit by bit, and love to re-use second hand kit and feel I'm getting a lot for the money rather than buying everything new - but I'm also aware that a sub-standard setup could just get poor images and put me off for good. So, my question is: what is the minimum set of equipment I need from here - can I use my unmodded DSLR, or do I need mono camreas / filters to get anything good from a suburban location?; do I have to have a guide scope and guiding camera or can I add this later?; do I need an autofocuser or should I be able to do well enough manually to start with? Thanks in advance for the advice! Mark.
  16. Any recommendations on where to get good quality 3D files for a given lens / scope?
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