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Posts posted by JamesF

  1. 2 hours ago, Paul M said:

    That's a beauty. One thing I notice is that the terminal flare is very sharp and doesn't so much fade as disappears. My memory of most other Bolides is that there at least some noticeable fade.

    Maybe something to do with the material the body was composed of?

    I wondered about that, too.  I don't know much about these things, but perhaps if it broke up at that point then it may not have been bright enough to capture on camera afterwards?  I'm struggling to believe that, but I'm a bit short of other plausible explanations.


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  2. It has been foggy to some extent here all day today, but as the Sun set it really started to draw in to the point where an hour or so ago visibility was getting down to around the ten metre mark.  I couldn't actually see the observatory from the house.  I've just looked out of the window however and noticed that it's quite bright and clear in the garden so I stepped outside to find the sky completely clear and the Moon lighting everything up.  The seeing is appalling though.  The stars are wobbling all over the place.  I think therefore that I shall skip getting togged up to go outside for tonight.  Hopefully better skies will be along some time soon.


    • Sad 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, Jilly said:

    Crikey I just looked at your link for the bortle where I live ( at the edge of the Brecon Beacons) and it’s class 4 so that’s probably not good? But yes at least I have mountains at hand

    As far as I'm aware you do need to take those maps with a bit of a pinch of salt.  I believe they're partially based on assumed information that may well not be true.  I grew up a few miles outside Crickhowell and my recollection is that it was very dark, though I know things have changed over the years.  Where I am now (about 60 miles due south of the Beacons, as it happens) is also classed as Bortle 4, yet some of the things that are listed for Bortle 3 on the page that the Bortle number on that map links to still apply here, even with my slightly older eyes.  If you're away from the larger towns you may find conditions better than that map suggests.


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  4. 33 minutes ago, DaveS said:

    I've had packages from Amazon where the "packaging" was just the address label.

    I don't know if it was here, but I do recall being told recently that someone had ordered something like a wheelbarrow online and it had turned up just with the address label stuck to it.


    • Haha 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

    What a bunch of cool cats! Did you start a band by any chance Mark?

    It actually started me thinking about how long ago it was when people actually wore ties when they were "off duty", as it were.  My maternal grandfather was a fitter at Scunthorpe steel works and to the best of my recollection wore overalls to work, but I'm fairly sure he had a shirt and tie on underneath.  And when he was at home he still wore a shirt and tie, often with a pair of metal "suspenders" to stop the sleeves riding down his wrists, and almost always with a cardigan (pipe in one pocket, baccy tin and matches in the other).

    But then I recalled the owner of a local farm where I look after a few beehives.  I'd guess he is in his late 50s or early 60s at the most and still wears a shirt and tie even when working on the farm.  He must be close to the last of a dying breed :)


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  6. 6 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    It can be done in post processing and I would say - that should be preferred way of doing it rather than messing with on camera color balance controls.

    I think I'd agree with vlaiv here.  But I would check any colour balance controls on the camera before starting a capture run to make sure that they're in a "neutral" position too.  I'd hope that would be the case if the camera has been powered up from cold, but I'd not trust the drivers not to set some strange defaults.


  7. If you have any colour balance controls on the camera then you might be able to adjust the colour with those.  Otherwise I'd use Photoshop (if you have it) or GIMP (which is free) to adjust the colour balance afterwards.

    I'm not familiar with the camera, but I'd guess it's just a bit more sensitive in the yellow/green wavelengths than in blue or red, resulting in the colour cast that you see.


  8. Assuming you mean AstroEQ, my impressions are that it works very well and is relatively easy to set up.  Earlier this year I rebuilt my EQ3-2 installation pretty much from scratch and it seemed very straightforward in testing, but I've not got around to using it in anger since, as my priorities were changed by events.  I shall be returning to it very soon though.

    What mount were you considering converting?


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